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category: JIS1
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 13
translation: bowl
碗: kobachi
related words: , ボール

category: JIS1
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 13
translation: lid, cover, cap, case, flap, veil, overspread, hang over, hide, conceal, probably (pho.), perhaps, presumably, after all, ultimately
gai, kou, kai
蓋: huta: lid, cover, cap, case, flap
蓋をする: hutaosuru: put on the lid, cover up, close
蓋を開ける: hutaoakeru: lift [take off] the lid, open, make public [known] <<<
蓋を取る: hutaotoru <<<
蓋の付いた: hutanotsuita: lidded, covered <<<
蓋の無い: hutanonai: lidless, open <<<
蓋う: oou: cover (v.), veil, overspread, hang over, hide, conceal <<< ,
蓋: kasa: umbrella <<<
蓋し: kedashi: probably, perhaps, presumably, after all, ultimately
synonyms: カバー

category: JIS1
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 13
translation: tripode
鼎: kanae
鼎の軽重を問う: kanaenokeichouotou: have doubts about one's ability [competence]
鼎に: masani: just (adv.), exactly, precisely, surely, certainly, really <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 15
translation: chopstick
cho, chaku
箸: hashi
箸を付ける: hashiotsukeru: touch [eat] the dish [food] <<<
箸を付けない: hashiotsukenai: leave the food untouched <<<
箸で食べる: hashidetaberu: eat with chopsticks <<<
箸にも棒にも掛からない: hashinimobounimokakaranai: be incorrigible, be good for nothing

category: JIS1
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 16
translation: cask, barrel, keg, butt
樽: taru
樽詰めの: taruZumeno: casked <<<
樽詰めにする: taruZumenisuru: barrel (v.), put in a barrel <<<
樽に入れる: taruniireru <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 17
translation: pan, pot
鍋: nabe
鍋の蓋: nabenohuta: lid <<<
鍋の柄: nabenoe: handle of a pot <<<
鍋で煮る: nabedeniru: boil in a pot <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 22
translation: basket, cage, quiver (for arrows)
rou, ryuu
籠: kago: basket, cage
籠を編む: kagooamu: weaver a basket <<<
籠に飼う: kagonikau: keep in a cage <<<
籠の鳥: kagonotori: bird in a cage, caged bird <<<
籠: ebira: quiver (for arrows)
籠める: komeru: put in a cage, charge
籠る: komoru: keep [stay] indoors (jp.), shut oneself up [be confined] (in a room)
籠り: komori: isolation (jp.)
synonyms: バスケット
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 5
translation: sound of fall into a well
tan, ton
丼: donburi: (deep) bowl (jp.)

category: JIS2
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 9
translation: chopping board [block]
so, sho
俎: manaita

category: JIS2, only in Japanese
other spells: 桝
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 10
translation: measure (box)
枡: masu
枡で売る: masudeuru: sell by the measure <<<
synonyms: ,

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