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Direct access: 婚活 , 最愛 , 嫉妬 , 失恋 , 秋波 , 新婚 , 親切 , 親友 , 新郎 , 慈愛


pronunciation: konkatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: search to get married


pronunciation: saiai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: the strongest love
最愛の: saiaino: dearest, beloved
最愛の子: saiainoko: one's beloved child <<<
最愛の妻: saiainotsuma: one's darling wife <<<
最愛の友: saiainotomo: one's best friend <<<


pronunciation: shitto
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: jealousy, envy
嫉妬心: shittoshin <<<
嫉妬心から: shittoshinkara: out of jealousy [envy]
嫉妬心を起こす: shittoshinnookosu: feel [become] jealous (of) <<<
嫉妬に燃える: shittonimoeru: be green with envy <<<
嫉妬する: shittosuru: be jealous (of), envy, be envious (of)
嫉妬して: shittoshite: jealously
嫉妬深い: shittobukai: jealous, envious <<<
related words: 焼餅


pronunciation: shitsuren
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: disappointed [unrequited] love
失恋する: shitsurensuru: be crossed [disappointed] in love (for a person)
失恋した: shitsurenshita: lovelorn, brokenhearted
失恋の: shitsurennno
失恋の悩み: shitsurennnonayami: agonies of broken heart, pangs of despised love <<<


pronunciation: shuuha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: sheep's eyes
秋波を送る: shuuhaookuru: make eyes at, ogle at, cast sheep's eyes at <<<


pronunciation: shinkon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: recent [new] marriage
新婚の: shinkonnno: newly-married (a.)
新婚夫婦: shinkonhuuhu: newly-married couple, newlyweds <<< 夫婦
新婚旅行: shinkonryokou: honeymoon <<< 旅行 , ハネムーン
新婚生活: shinkonseikatsu: newly-married life <<< 生活
related words: 結婚


pronunciation: shinsetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: kindness, kindliness, gentleness, cordiality
親切な: shinsetsuna: kind, gentle, cordial, avuncular
親切に: shinsetsuni: kindly
親切にする: shinsetsunisuru: be kind to, treat a person with kindness
親切ごかしに: shinsetsugokashini: under the pretense of kindness


pronunciation: shinnyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , love
translation: close friend
synonyms: 仲良し
related words: 友人


pronunciation: shinrou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: bridegroom
新郎新婦: shinroushinpu: bride and bridegroom, newly married couple, newly-weds
synonyms: 花婿


pronunciation: jiai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: affection, love
慈愛に満ちた: jiainimichita: affectionate, loving, benevolent <<<
慈愛深い: jiaibukai <<<

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