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Direct access: 電源 , 電光 , 電線 , 電池 , 電柱 , 電灯 , 電動 , 伝導 , 電波 , 電流


pronunciation: dengen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: power supply [source]
電源を切る: dengennokiru: cut a power supply [source] <<<
電源開発: dengenkaihatsu: development of power resources <<< 開発


pronunciation: denkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: electric light, flash of lightning
電光形: denkoukeini: zigzag (n.) <<<
電光形に: denkoukeini: zigzag (adv.), zigzagways
電光石火の如く: denkousekkanogotoku: like [as quick as] lightning
電光掲示板: denkoukeijiban: electric bulletin board
電光ニュース: denkounyuusu: illuminated ribbon of news, electric news sign
related words: 稲妻


pronunciation: densen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: electric wire, cable
related words: コード , ケーブル


pronunciation: denchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: (electric) battery, cell
電池が切れる: denchigakireru: The battery is empty <<<
電池を充電する: denchiojuudensuru: charge the battery <<< 充電
乾電池: kandenchi: (dry) battery <<<
蓄電池: chikudenchi: accumulator, storage battery <<<
related words: バッテリー


pronunciation: denchuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity , town
translation: utility [telegraph, telephone] pole


pronunciation: dentou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 電燈
keyword: electricity
translation: electric light [lamp]
電灯を引く: dentouohiku: have electric lights installed <<<
電灯を点ける: dentouotsukeru: switch [turn] on the light <<< , 点灯
電灯を点す: dentouotomosu
電灯を消す: dentouokesu: switch [turn] off the light <<<
電灯線: dentousen: indoor lamplight wire, lamp cord <<<
電灯料: dentouryou: electric light charges <<<
電灯会社: dentougaisha: electric light company <<< 会社
related words: 電球 , 電気


pronunciation: dendou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: electric drive
電動の: dendouno: electrically powered, electromotive
電動機: dendouki: electric motor <<<
電動力: dendouryoku: electromotive force (power) <<<
電動発電機: dendouhatsudenki: motor generator


pronunciation: dendou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: physics , electricity
translation: conduction
伝導する: dendousuru: conduct
伝導体: dendoutai: conductor <<< , 導体
超伝導体: choudendoutai: superconductor <<< 導体
伝導性: dendousei: conductivity <<<
超伝導性: choudendousei: superconductivity <<<


pronunciation: denpa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: electric wave
電波に乗る: denpaninoru: be broadcasted (by radio), go on the air <<<
電波を通じて: denpaotsuujite: over the [through] radio <<<
電波学: denpagaku: radio technology <<<
電波計: denpakei: wavemeter <<<
電波塔: denpatou: radio (transmission) tower <<<
電波妨害: denpabougai: radiojamming <<< 妨害
電波探知機: denpatanchiki: radar, radiolocator <<< レーダー
電波望遠鏡: denpabouenkyou: radio telescope <<< 望遠鏡
電波天文学: denpatenmongaku: radio astronomy
電波天文学者: denpatenmongakusha: radio astronomer <<< 学者
電波少年: denpashounen: Denpa Shonen (a Japanese TV reality show, 1992-2003) <<< 少年
related words: ラジオ


pronunciation: denryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: electric current
電流を通す: denryuuotoosu: electrify, send an electric current, close the circuit <<<
電流を通じる: denryuuotsuujiru
電流を流す: denryuuonagasu <<<
電流を切る: denryuuokiru: shut [cut] off the current, open the circuit <<<
電流の強さ: denryuunotsuyosa: electric current intensity <<<
電流量: denryuuryou <<<
電流計: denryuukei: galvanometer, amperemeter <<<
related words: 電圧 , アンペア

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