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Direct access: 芸者 , 好奇心 , 行楽 , 凝り性 , 娯楽 , 茶道 , 散策 , 散歩 , 収集 , 趣味


pronunciation: geisha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show , amusement
translation: geisha
芸者上り: geishaagari: ex-geisha <<<
芸者屋: geishaya: geisha house <<<
related words:


pronunciation: koukishin
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: amusement
translation: curiosity
好奇心から: koukishinkara: out of curiosity
好奇心に駆られて: koukishinnnikararete <<<
好奇心をそそる: koukishinnososoru: excite one's curiosity
好奇心を引く: koukishinnohiku: arouse one's curiosity <<<
好奇心の強い: koukishinnnotsuyoi: inquisitive, curious <<<
好奇心を満足させる: koukishinnomanzokusaseru: satisfy one's curiosity <<< 満足


pronunciation: kouraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement , travel
translation: holiday making
行楽に出掛ける: kourakunidekakeru: go on a pleasure trip, go hiking, have an outing [excursion], go holiday making
行楽日和: kourakubiyori: ideal weather for an outing <<< 日和
行楽地: kourakuchi: pleasure [holiday, leisure] resort <<<
行楽客: kourakukyaku: holiday maker <<<
行楽旅行: kourakuryokou: excursion <<< 旅行
synonyms: ピクニック


pronunciation: korishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: meticulousness
凝り性の: korishouno: concentrative, too meticulous, fastidious


pronunciation: goraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: amusement, entertainment, recreation, pastime
娯楽室: gorakushitsu: recreation [game] room <<<
娯楽場: gorakujou: place of amusement <<<
娯楽街: gorakugai: amusement center <<<
娯楽欄: gorakuran: entertainment columns <<<
娯楽映画: gorakueiga: entertainment movie <<< 映画
娯楽雑誌: gorakuzasshi: magazine for amusement <<< 雑誌
娯楽小説: gorakushousetsu: entertainment novel <<< 小説
娯楽機関: gorakukikan: facilities for recreation <<< 機関
娯楽施設: gorakushisetsu <<< 施設
娯楽産業: gorakusangyou: entertainment industry, show business <<< 産業
娯楽番組: gorakubangumi: entertainment program <<< 番組
related words: 気晴 , レジャー , エンタメ


pronunciation: sadou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement , japan
translation: tea ceremony
synonyms: 茶会
related words:


pronunciation: sansaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: roam (n.), ramble, stroll, promenade
散策する: sansakusuru: roam (v.), ramble, stroll, promenade
synonyms: 散歩 , 逍遥


pronunciation: sanpo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: walk (n.), promenade (n.), roam
散歩する: sanposuru: walk (v.), stroll, promenade, roam
犬と散歩する: inutosanposuru: walk the [a] dog, take a dog for walkies <<<
散歩道: sanpodou: concourse <<<
synonyms: 散策 , 逍遥


pronunciation: shuushuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: collection, gathering
収集する: shuushuusuru: collect, gather, glean
収集家: shuushuuka: collector <<<
収集癖: shuushuuguse: collection mania <<<
related words: コレクション


pronunciation: shumi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: hobby, pastime, taste, interest
趣味の有る: shuminoaru: tasteful, interesting <<<
趣味の良い: shuminoii <<<
趣味の無い: shuminonai: tasteless, dull, insipid <<<
趣味の悪い: shuminowarui <<<
趣味に合う: shuminiau: suite one's taste <<<
趣味を持つ: shumiomotsu: have a taste for, take an interest in <<<
趣味の人: shuminohito: man of taste, hobbyist <<<
悪趣味: akushumi: bad taste <<<
related words: 道楽

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