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Direct access: リチウム , , , , , , , , ,


pronunciation: richiumu
etymology: lithium (eg.)
keyword: chemistry , technology
translation: lithium
リチウムイオン: richiumuion: lithium-ion <<< イオン
リチウムイオン電池: richiumuiondenchi: lithium-ion battery <<< 電池

category: to learn in school
keyword: fantasy , chemistry
Number of strokes: 4
translation: transform, chemistry
ka, ke
化わる: kawaru: transform <<<
化ける: bakeru: transform oneself
化かす: bakasu: bewitch, enchant, bedevil <<<
化かされる: bakasareru: be bewitched
化の皮を剥ぐ: bakenokawaohagu: unmask, bring (a matter) to light
化の皮が剥がれる: bakenokawagahagareru: One's true character is exposed, One betrays oneself
化の皮が剥げる: bakenokawagahageru

category: to learn in school
keyword: weather , chemistry , psychology
Number of strokes: 6
translation: air, atmosphere, ambiance, gas, breath, climate
ki, ke
気: iki: breath, respiration <<<
気が有る: kigaaru: have a mind (to do), be [feel] inclined (to do), be interested in, take a fancy to (a person) <<<
気が無い: kiganai: have no mind (to do), be [feel] reluctant (to do), be not interested in, take no fancy to (a person) <<<
気が短い: kigamijikai: be impatient <<<
気が合う: kigaau: agree [hit it off] (with a person) <<<
気が小さい: kigachiisai: be timid [diffident, chickenhearted] <<<
気が散る: kigachiru: One's attention is distracted <<<
気が塞ぐ: kigahusagu: feel blue, become melancholy <<<
気が晴れる: kigahareru: be diverted, feel fine <<<
気が向かない: kigamukanai: be reluctant (to do) <<<
気が引ける: kigahikeru: feel small [self-conscious] <<<
気が変わる: kigakawaru: change one's mind <<<
気が利く: kigakiku: be clever [sensible, tactful], be quick-witted <<<
気が抜ける: kiganukeru: lose its flavor, become flat, be disheartened, One's enthusiasm dies down <<<
気が付く: kigatsuku: notice, perceive, become aware of, be attentive [considerate], come to oneself [one's senses], recover consciousness <<<
気を付ける: kiotsukeru: take care (of), pay attention to, look out (for) <<<
気に入る: kiniiru: like, take a fancy to, be pleased [satisfied] with, please (a person), find a favor with (a person), take catch [strike, suit] a person's fancy <<<
気に成る: kininaru: weigh on one's mind, lie at one's heart, cause a person anxiety, feel uneasy (about), be anxious (about), bring oneself to (do), feel like (doing) <<<
気にする: kinisuru: care, mind, worry about, take (a matter) to heart
気遣う: kiZukau: be [feel] anxious (about), be concerned (about), fear, be afraid of [that] <<<
気遣わしい: kiZukawashii: alarming, uncertain <<<
気遣わしげに: kiZukawashigeni: anxiously, with a look of anxiety <<<
気の強い: kinotsuyoi: stouthearted, brave <<<
気に食わない: kinikuwanai: do not like, be displeased (with a person), be disagreeable (to one) <<<
synonyms: ガス

category: to learn in school
keyword: food , chemistry
Number of strokes: 11
translation: mix, mingle, blend, confuse, confusion
混ぜる: mazeru: mix (vt.), mingle, blend, adulterate, admix
混じる: majiru: mix [mingle] (with), blend, get mixed [mingled] (with)
混ざる: mazaru
混ぜ合わせ: mazeawase: mixture, assortment <<<
混ぜ合わせる: mazeawaseru: mix together, assort <<<
混ぜ返す: mazekaesu: mix [stir] up, banter (at) <<<
synonyms: , ミックス

category: to learn in school
keyword: condiment , chemistry
Number of strokes: 13
translation: salt
塩: shio
塩っぱい: shoppai: salty
塩に漬ける: shionitsukeru: salt (v.), pickle [preserve] in salt <<<
塩漬けにする: shioZukenisuru <<<
塩で味を付ける: shiodeajiotsukeru: season (food) with salt
塩を降る: shioohuru: sprinkle salt <<<
塩を降り掛ける: shioohurikakeru
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: food , chemistry
Number of strokes: 14
translation: acid, sour, hard, painful
酸: su: vinegar <<<
酸い: sui: sour (a.), acid
酸い: tsurai: hard, painful <<<
酸っぱい: suppai: sour (a.), acid
酸っぱく成る: suppakunaru: turn sour <<<

category: common usage
keyword: chemistry
Number of strokes: 13
translation: melt, dissolve, thaw, liquefy, fuse
溶ける: tokeru: melt (vi.), dissolve, be melted, thaw
溶けた: toketa: dissolved, melted
溶かす: tokasu: melt (vt.), dissolve, liquefy, fuse
溶く: toku
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: chemistry
Number of strokes: 16
translation: melt, dissolve, pass
融ける: tokeru: melt (vi.), dissolve, be melted
融る: tooru: pass (along, through, by), get through <<<
融: too, yoshi, michi, tooru, akira: pers.

category: common usage
keyword: health , chemistry
Number of strokes: 16
translation: congeal, coagulate, devote oneself (ext.)
凝る: koru: be absorbed [engrossed] in, be devoted [given] to, go in for, be finical, get stiff (jp.)
凝り: kori: stiffness, hardening, stiff neck
凝り固まる: korikatamaru: congeal, coagulate, clot, curdle, be absorbed [engrossed] in, be bigoted <<<
凝らす: korasu: devote oneself
凝り: shikori: fleshy tumor, node, emotional entanglement

category: JIS1
keyword: chemistry
Number of strokes: 16
translation: wild-o'-the-wisp, jack-o'-lantern, phosphorous
燐: rin: phosphorous
燐を含んだ: rinnohukunda: phosphoric <<<
燐: onibi: wild-o'-the-wisp, jack-o'-lantern
燐: hitodama <<< 人魂

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