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Direct access: 肩車 , 観賞 , 煙管 , 切手 , 喫煙 , 気晴 , 鬼滅 , 興味 , 享楽 , 競馬


pronunciation: kataguruma
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: piggyback
肩車に乗せる: katagurumaninoseru: carry a person piggyback, give a person a piggyback <<<
肩車に乗る: katagurumaninoru: ride on a person's shoulders


pronunciation: kanshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: admiration
観賞する: kanshousuru: admire, enjoy
観賞魚: kanshougyo: fish for aquarium <<<
観賞植物: kanshoushokubutsu: ornamental [garden] plant <<< 植物
related words: 鑑賞


pronunciation: kiseru
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: tobacco pipe
煙管する: kiserusuru: steal a ride without paying the fare for the middle part of the way
煙管差し: kiserusashi: pipe sheath <<<
related words: パイプ


pronunciation: kitte
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: (postage) stamp
切手を貼る: kitteoharu: stamp (v.), put a stamp <<<
切手帳: kittechou: stamp album <<<
切手収集: kitteshuushuu: stamp collection, philately <<< 収集
切手収集家: kitteshuushuuka: stamp collector, philatelist <<<
related words: 小切手 , 印紙


pronunciation: kitsuen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: smoking
喫煙する: kitsuensuru: smoke (tobacco, pipe), have a smoke
喫煙室: kitsuenshitsu: smoking room <<<
喫煙者: kitsuensha: smoker <<<
喫煙車: kitsuensha: smoking car <<<
喫煙所: kitsuensho: smoking lounge <<<
喫煙禁止: kitsuenkinshi: No smoking <<< 禁止
related words: 煙草 , スモーキング


pronunciation: kibarashi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 気晴らし
keyword: amusement
translation: diversion, recreation
気晴に: kibarashini: as a pastime, for diversion [recreation]
気晴に成る: kibarashininaru: serve as diversion <<<
気晴する: kibarashisuru: divert [relax] oneself, recreate oneself
related words: 遊戯 , 休養 , レジャー


pronunciation: kimetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: demon slaying
鬼滅の刃: kimetsunoyaeba: Demon Slayer (a Japanese manga of Koyoharu Gotouge 2016-2020 and anime 2019-2020) <<<


pronunciation: kyoumi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: interests
興味有る: kyoumiaru: interesting <<<
興味無い: kyouminai: uninteresting, flat, dull <<<
興味を持つ: kyoumiomotsu: interest (v.) <<<
興味を持って: kyoumiomotte: with interest
興味を失う: kyoumioushinau: lose interest <<<
興味深い: kyoumibukai: profoundly interesting, full of interests <<<
興味津々: kyoumishinshin <<<
興味を示す: kyoumioshimesu: show interest <<<
興味を削ぐ: kyoumiosogu: spoil a person's pleasure <<<
興味を引く: kyoumiohiku: arouse a person's interest in <<<
興味をそそる: kyoumiososoru
related words: 趣味 , 面白


pronunciation: kyouraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: enjoyment, pleasure
享楽する: kyourakusuru: enjoy, take delight in, take pleasure from
享楽に耽る: kyourakunihukeru: be addicted to pleasure <<<
享楽好きの: kyourakuzukino: fun-loving, pleasure-loving, pleasure-seeking <<<
享楽的: kyourakuteki <<<
享楽気分: kyourakukibun: gay feeling, gay atmosphere, holiday mood <<< 気分
享楽主義: kyourakushugi: epicureanism, hedonism, dilettantism <<< 主義
享楽主義者: kyourakushugisha: epicurean, epicure, hedonist, dilettante <<<
synonyms: 快楽


pronunciation: keiba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , amusement
translation: horse racing, horse race
競馬場: keibajou: race course, turf <<<
競馬馬: keibauma: race horse <<<
競馬騎手: keibakishu: jockey <<< 騎手
草競馬: kusakeiba: local horse race <<<

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