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Direct access: , , , , , , 合図 , 一撃 , 射手 , 裏切

category: JIS1
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 4
translation: partner,opponent (ext.), rival, antagonist, foe, enemy, grudge, enmity, harm, injury
仇: tsureai: partner <<< 連合い
仇: kataki: enemy, foe, rival
仇: ada: grudge, enmity, harm, injury
仇を報いる: adaomukuiru: revenge oneself (on a person), satisfy oneself (against a person) <<<
仇を討つ: adaoutsu: take vengeance, revenge, avenge <<<
仇と成る: adatonaru: damage (v.), harm <<<
synonyms: 復讐
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 8
translation: gibbon, aim, sight, point, fence, watch
so, sho
狙う: nerau: aim (at), take aim (at), watch (for), be after (a thing), sight, point
狙い: nerai: aim
狙いを定める: neraiosadameru: take aim (at) <<<
狙いを誤る: neraioayamaru: take the mark [one's aim] amiss <<<
狙いが外れる: neraigahazureru: miss [fall wide of] the mark [one's aim] <<<
狙いが狂う: neraigakuruu <<<
狙う: ukagau: watch [wait] for (a chance) <<<
狙: saru: monkey, ape, gibbon <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 10
translation: stronghold, fortress, for
砦: toride
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 12
translation: relax, melt, thaw, cheer of triumph
gai, kai
凱らぐ: yawaragu: relax (v.), melt, thaw <<<
凱: kachidoki: cheer of triumph

category: JIS1
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 23
translation: return, repay, requite, grudge, enmity
讐いる: mukuiru: return, repay, requite <<< ,
讐: ada: grudge, enmity <<< ,
讐: kataki

category: JIS2
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 21
translation: exhaust, destroy, overthrow
殲す: tsukusu: exhaust <<<
殲ぼす: horobosu: destroy, overthrow <<<


pronunciation: aizu
keyword: sport , war
translation: signal (n.), sign (n.), wink (n.)
合図する: aizusuru: signal (v.), give a signal, sign (v.), motion (v.), wink (v.)


pronunciation: ichigeki
keyword: war , sport
translation: one blow, swipe
一撃で: ichigekide: at one blow
一撃の下に: ichigekinomotoni <<<
一撃を加える: ichigekiokuwaeru: strike a blow (at) <<<


pronunciation: ite, shashu
keyword: war
translation: marksman, rifleman, shooter
射手座: iteza: Archer, Sagittarius <<<


pronunciation: uragiri
keyword: crime , war
translation: betrayal, treachery
裏切る: uragiru: betray, give away, play false
裏切者: uragirimono: betrayer, traitor <<<
裏切行為: uragirikoui: act of treachery, double cross <<< 行為
related words: 陰謀 , 反逆 , 背信

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