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Direct access: 敬具 , 敬称 , 敬礼 , 結構 , 謙譲 , 謙遜 , 光栄 , 交歓 , 香典 , 今日


pronunciation: keigu
keyword: greeting
translation: best [affectionate, kind, warm] regards (expression ending a letter), sincerely yours
related words: 真心


pronunciation: keishou
keyword: greeting
translation: title of honor, honorific title
敬称略: keishouryaku: without honorific titles <<<


pronunciation: keirei
keyword: war , greeting
translation: salutation, salute (n.)
敬礼する: keireisuru: salute (v.)


pronunciation: kekkou
keyword: construction , greeting
translation: structure, construction, scale, plan, project, nice (n.), excellence, kindness
結構な: kekkouna: splendid, capital, superb, magnificent, nice (a.), excellent, fine, pretty, delicious
結構です: kekkoudesu: That will do, No thanks
related words: 良好 , 美味


pronunciation: kenjou
keyword: greeting
translation: modesty
謙譲語: kenjougo: humble language [expression] <<<
謙譲の美徳: kenjounobitoku: virtue of modesty
related words: 謙遜


pronunciation: kenson
keyword: greeting
translation: modesty, humility
謙遜な: kensonnna: modest, humble, unassuming, condescending
謙遜する: kensonsuru: be modest [humble], make little show of oneself
謙遜して: kensonshite: in a modest way, with modesty
related words: 謙譲 , 慇懃


pronunciation: kouei
keyword: greeting
translation: honor, glory
光栄な: koueina: honored, honorable, glorious
光栄有る: koueiaru <<<
光栄に浴する: koueiniyokusuru: have the honor of doing <<<
光栄に思う: koueiniomou: feel honored to <<<
related words: 栄光


pronunciation: koukan
keyword: greeting
translation: exchange of courtesies [greetings,good wishes]
交歓する: koukansuru: exchange courtesies [greetings,good wishes] (with)


pronunciation: kouden
keyword: greeting
translation: obituary gift
香典返し: koudengaeshi: return of obituary gift <<<


pronunciation: konnnichi, kyou
keyword: calendar , greeting
translation: today, nowadays, now
今日は: konnnichiwa, konnnichiwa: good-morning, good-afternoon, good-day, hello, hallo, hi, nowadays
今日は晴天なり: konnnichiwaseitennnari: The weather is fine today (phrase used for a microphone test) <<< 晴天
今日中に: konnnichijuuni, kyoujuuni: this very day <<<
related words: 現代 , 今晩

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