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Direct access: 要塞 , 要所 , 傭兵 , 揚陸艦 , 利害 , 陸軍 , 離反 , 略奪 , 榴弾 , 領空


pronunciation: yousai
keyword: war
translation: fortress
要塞を築く: yousaiokizuku: build a fortress <<<
要塞化: yousaika: fortification <<<
要塞地帯: yousaichitai: fortified zone <<< 地帯


pronunciation: yousho
keyword: war
translation: important point, strategic point
要所要所に: youshoyoushoni: at every strategic point
related words: 急所


pronunciation: youhei
keyword: war
translation: mercenary, hired troops


pronunciation: yourikukan
keyword: war , ship
translation: landing ship


pronunciation: rigai
keyword: war
translation: interests
利害を共にする: rigaiotomonisuru: have common interests (in a matter with a person) <<<
利害に関係が有る: rigainikankeigaaru: affect one's interests, be of (great) concern (to one)
利害関係が有る: rigaikankeigaaru: have an interest [a concern] (in)
利害関係の衝突: rigaikankeinoshoutotsu: clash [conflict] of interests
利害関係者: rigaikankeisha: persons concerned, interested parties


pronunciation: rikugun
keyword: war
translation: army
陸軍の: rikugunnno: military
陸軍省: rikugunshou: ministry of war <<<
陸軍大臣: rikugundaijin: minister of war <<< 大臣
陸軍長官: rikugunchoukan: secretary of war <<< 長官
陸軍士官: rikugunshikan: military officer, army officer <<< 士官
陸軍士官学校: rikugunshikangakkou: military academy <<< 学校
陸軍病院: rikugunbyouin: military hospital <<< 病院
陸軍元帥: rikugungensui: field marshal <<< 元帥
陸軍大将: rikuguntaishou: (full) general <<< 大将
陸軍武官: rikugunbukan: military attaché
related words: 海軍 , 空軍


pronunciation: rihan
keyword: war
translation: estrangement, alienation
離反する: rihansuru: be estranged [alienated] (from), revolt (against)


pronunciation: ryakudatsu
keyword: war , crime
translation: plunder (n.), pillage, sack
略奪する: ryakudatsusuru: plunder (v.), pillage, loot, sack, strip (a person) of (a thing)
略奪者: ryakudatsusha: plunderer, looter, predator, marauder, spoiler <<<
略奪品: ryakudatsuhin: spoils, loot, plunder, booty <<<
略奪物: ryakudatsubutsu <<<


pronunciation: ryuudan
keyword: war
translation: high explosive shell
榴弾砲: ryuudanpou, ryuudanhou: howitzer <<<


pronunciation: ryoukuu
keyword: war , airplane
translation: territorial air
領空侵犯: ryoukuushinpan: violation of territorial air space
related words: 領海 , 領土

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