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Direct access: 歩兵 , 本隊 , 本部 , 防衛 , 防御 , 防空 , 暴動 , 防備 , 味方 , 無人


pronunciation: hohei
keyword: war
translation: infantryman, infantry
歩兵隊: hoheitai: infantry (corps) <<<
歩兵連隊: hoheirentai: infantry regiment <<< 連隊
歩兵師団: hoheishidan: infantry division <<< 師団
歩兵戦闘車: hoheisentousha: infantry fighting vehicle


pronunciation: hontai
keyword: war
translation: main body [force]
related words: 本体


pronunciation: honbu
keyword: war , office
translation: main [head] office, headquarters
本部長: honbuchou: leader of a main office [headquarters] <<<
related words: 本社


pronunciation: bouei
keyword: war , security , sport
translation: defense, protection
防衛する: boueisuru: defend, protect
防衛軍: boueigun: security force <<<
防衛庁: boueichou: Defense agency (in Japan until 2007) <<<
防衛省: boueishou: ministry of defense <<<
防衛費: boueihi: defense expenses <<<
防衛力: boueiryoku: defense force <<<
防衛手段: boueishudan: means of defense <<< 手段
防衛大学: boueidaigaku: defense academy <<< 大学
防衛協定: boueikyoutei: defense pact <<< 協定
防衛同盟: boueidoumei <<< 同盟
防衛海域: boueikaiiki: defense [defensive] waters
防衛水域: boueisuiiki
防衛産業: boueisangyou: defense industry <<< 産業
防衛体制: boueitaisei: defensive system <<< 体制
防衛予算: boueiyosan: (national) defense budget <<< 予算
synonyms: 防御 , 守備 , 自衛


pronunciation: bougyo
keyword: war , sport
translation: defense, protection, safeguard (n.)
防御の: bougyono: defensive, protective
防御の無い: bougyononai: defenseless, undefended <<<
防御する: bougyosuru: defend [protect, guard] (a thing from, oneself against), safeguard (v.)
防御に就く: bougyonitsuku: stand on the defensive <<<
防御率: bougyoritsu: earned run average (in baseball), ERA <<<
防御力: bougyoryoku: defense potential, defensive power <<<
防御線: bougyosen: line of defense <<<
防御戦: bougyosen: defensive war <<<
防御者: bougyosha: defender <<<
防御地域: bougyochiiki: section of defense <<< 地域
防御陣地: bougyojinchi: defensive position <<< 陣地
防御工事: bougyokouji: fortification <<< 工事
防御兵器: bougoheiki: defensive weapon <<< 兵器
防御同盟: bougyodoumei: defensive alliance <<< 同盟
synonyms: 防衛 , 守備
antonyms: 攻撃


pronunciation: boukuu
keyword: war
translation: air defense
防空壕: boukuugou: air-raid shelter, dugout
防空演習: boukuuenshuu: air defense drill <<< 演習
防空施設: boukuushisetsu: anti-air-raid establishments <<< 施設


pronunciation: boudou
keyword: politics , war
translation: riot (n.), rebellion, revolt (n.), insurrection
暴動を起こす: boudouookosu: riot (v.), rebel, revolt (v.) <<<
暴動が起こる: boudougaokoru: a riot breaks out
暴動を静める: boudouoshizumeru: suppress a riot <<<
related words: 反乱


pronunciation: boubi
keyword: war
translation: defense, defensive preparations, fortification, protection
防備する: boubisuru: defend, protect
防備の有る: boubinoaru: fortified <<<
防備の無い: boubinonai: unfortified, defenseless <<<
無防備の: muboubino
防備を施す: boubiohodokosu: fortify <<<
防備を厳にする: boubiogennnisuru: strengthen the defense <<<
related words: 防御 , 防衛


pronunciation: mikata
keyword: war , sport
translation: ally, supporter, friend
味方をする: mikataosuru: support, side [take side] with, be on a person's side, stand by, ally oneself with
味方に成る: mikataninaru <<<
味方にする: mikatanisuru: gain [win] (a person) over to one's side
味方に引き入れる: mikatanihikiireru
敵味方: tekimikata: friend and foe <<<
敵味方に分かれる: tekimikataniwakareru: be divided into friends and foes <<<
related words:


pronunciation: mujin
keyword: transport , war
translation: unmanned (system), uninhabited (area)
無人の: mujinnno: unmanned, uninhabited
無人島: mujintou: uninhabited (desert) island <<<
無人地帯: mujinchitai: uninhabited region, no man's land <<< 地帯
無人踏切: mujunhumikiri: unattended (railroad) crossing <<< 踏切
無人電車: mujindensha: unmanned train <<< 電車
無人飛行: mujinhikou: unmanned flight <<< 飛行
無人飛行機: mujinhikouki: pilotless plane <<<
無人偵察機: mujinteisatsuki: unmanned surveillance aircraft, UAV
related words: 有人

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