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Direct access: 用品 , 利用 , 轆轤 , , , , , , ,


pronunciation: youhin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: tool
translation: article, necessaries, supplies
日用品: nichiyouhin: articles of daily usage <<<
学用品: gakuyouhin: school stationery <<<
synonyms: 用具


pronunciation: riyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: tool , transport
translation: use, utilization
利用する: riyousuru: utilize, make use of, put (a thing) to use, turn (a thing) to account [advantage], avail oneself of, take advantage of, make the most of, exploit, use (a person) as a tool
利用出来る: riyoudekiru: available <<< 出来
利用出来ない: riyoudekinai: unavailable
利用者: riyousha: user <<< , ユーザー
利用度: riyoudo: utilization rate <<<
利用価値: riyoukachi: utility value <<< 価値
再利用: sairiyou: recycling <<< , リサイクル
再利用する: sairiyousuru: recycle, reclaim, reuse
synonyms: 使用


pronunciation: rokuro
keyword: tool
translation: lathe, potter's wheel, pulley, windlass
轆轤師: rokuroshi: turner <<<
轆轤細工: rokurozaiku: turnery <<< 細工

category: to learn in school
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 4
translation: cut, chop, hack, carve, slash, saw, shear, punch
setsu, sai
切ない: setsunai: painful, distressing, heartrending <<< 苦痛
切る: kiru: cut, chop, hack, carve, slash, saw, shear, punch, hang up, ring off, turn [switch] off, pause, break off
切れる: kireru: be sharp, separate (jp.)
切: kire: piece (jp.), bit, slip, strip, slice
切: kiri: end (jp.)
切り落とす: kiriotosu: cut off [down], chop [lop] off, prune <<<
切り刻む: kirikizamu: chop up, cut into pieces, hash <<<
切り崩す: kirikuzusu: cut through, level, break, split <<<
切り捨てる: kirisuteru: cut down, slay, omit, cut off <<<
切り倒す: kiritaosu: fell, cut [hew] down <<<
切り詰める: kiritsumeru: shorten, cut short, reduce, curtail, economize <<<
切り取る: kiritoru: cut off [away, out], clip <<<
切り離す: kirihanasu: cut off [asunder], sever, detach <<<
切り払う: kiriharau: cut away, prune [lop] off (twigs), clear (the land of tees) <<<
切り出す: kiridasu: cut down (timber), quarry, broach [bring up] (a subject) <<<
related words: , カット

category: to learn in school
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 5
translation: crown, discern, dispute (bor.)
ben, ban, hen
弁: kanmuri: crown <<<
弁える: wakimaeru: discern, understand
弁: hanabira: petal <<< 花弁
弁ける: wakeru: separate (vt.) <<<
弁う: arasou: dispute (v.), contest (v.) <<<
弁: ben: valve, ventil, speech manner (jp.), accent, dialect
弁が立つ: bengatatsu: have a fluent tongue <<<
弁を開ける: bennoakeru: open the valve <<<
related words: バルブ

category: to learn in school
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 9
translation: polish, rub, brush, burnish, improve, perfection, grind, whet, sharpen, hone, strop
研く: migaku: polish, rub, brush (up), burnish, improve (one's ability), perfection, cultivate, train, practice <<<
研ぐ: togu: grind, whet, sharpen, hone, strop, polish
研ぎ澄ます: togisumasu: whet [sharpen] well <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 9
translation: wind, wrap, roll, volume
kan, ken
巻: maki: roll (n.), volume
巻く: maku: roll up (v.), wind up, roll, furl
巻き包む: makitsutsumu: wrap <<<
巻き繰る: makikuru: bind <<<
巻き上がる: makiagaru: curl [roll] up <<<
巻き上げる: makiageru: wind up, swindle [cheat] (a person) out of (his money), rob (a person of his money) <<<
巻き起こす: makiokosu: create (a sensation), evoke (public comments) <<<
巻き返す: makikaesu: roll back (the enemy) <<<
巻き込む: makikomu: roll [wrap] in, engulf, drag into <<<
巻き付く: makitsuku: coil [twine] round, wind itself round <<<
巻き付ける: makitsukeru: wind [twine] (a rope) round (a thing) <<<
巻き戻す: makimodosu: rewind <<<
synonyms: , ロール

category: to learn in school
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 10
translation: needle, fishhook, prickle, spine, sting, stitch
針: hari
針で刺す: haridesasu: prick with a needle <<<
針で刺すような痛み: haridesasuyounaitami: stinging pain
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 14
translation: bar, the customs (ext.), machinery
関する: kansuru: be connected with, relate to, be related to, concern
関した: kanshita: relative to, connected with
関る: azukaru: take part, be concerned with <<<
関: karakuri: machinery, device <<< 絡繰
関: kannnuki: bar, bolt <<<
関: seki: the customs, barrier, tit. of sumo (jp.)

category: common usage
keyword: tool , unit
Number of strokes: 4
translation: ax, broadax
斤: ono: ax <<<
斤: masakari: broadax
斤: kin: unit of weight (ca. 600 g, jp.)

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