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Direct access: 郵便 , 連絡 , , , 便 , , , , , シリアル


pronunciation: yuubin
kanji characters: , 便
keyword: transport , communication
translation: post, mail
郵便の: yuubinnno: postal
郵便で: yuubinde: by mail (post)
郵便箱: yuubinbako: postbox, mailbox <<<
郵便局: yuubinkyoku: post office <<<
郵便局員: yuubinkyokuin: mail [mailing, postal] clerk <<<
郵便局長: yuubinkyokuchou: postmaster <<< 局長
郵便料: yuubinryou: postage, postal charges <<<
郵便料金: yuubinryoukin <<< 料金
郵便貯金: yuubinchokin: postal savings <<< 貯金
郵便番号: yuubinbangou: postcode, zip code <<< 番号
郵便為替: yuubinkawase: postal order, money order <<< 為替
郵便配達: yuubinhaitatsu: postal delivery, postman <<< 配達
郵便小包: yuubinkoZutsumi: parcel post <<< 小包
郵便葉書: yuubinhagaki: postal card, postcard <<< 葉書
郵便ポスト: yuubinposuto: pillar box, mailbox, letter drop
related words: 手紙 , メール


pronunciation: renraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , communication
translation: connection, junction, communication, contact
連絡する: renrakusuru: connect, join, communicate, reach, contact (v.)
連絡の有る: renrakunoaru: connected <<<
連絡の無い: renrakunonai: unconnected <<<
連絡を付ける: renrakuotsukeru: establish a connection with <<<
連絡を保つ: renrakuotamotsu: keep in touch <<<
連絡を絶つ: renrakuotatsu: cut off communications with <<<
連絡を失う: renrakuoushinau: lose contact with <<<
連絡駅: renrakueki: junction station <<<
連絡線: renrakusen: connecting line <<<
連絡船: renrakusen: ferry boat <<<
連絡係: renrakugakari: liaison man <<<
連絡先: renrakusaki: contact address <<<
連絡将校: renrakushoukou: liaison officer <<< 将校
連絡切符: renrakukippu: through [transfer] ticket <<< 切符
連絡事務所: renrakujimusho: liaison office

category: to learn in school
keyword: communication
Number of strokes: 5
translation: book, letter, mail, message, text, note
saku, satsu
冊: humi: book, letter, mail, message, text <<<
冊: kakitsuke: note

category: to learn in school
other spells: 傳
keyword: communication
Number of strokes: 6
translation: communicate, inform, spread, propagate
den, ten
伝: den: life, biography, way, method
伝える: tsutaeru: communicate (vt.), inform, propagate
伝わる: tsutawaru: communicate (vi.), spread
伝う: tsutau: go [walk] along
伝え聞く: tsutaekiku: hear [learn] from others, learn [know] by hearsay <<<
伝: shukuba: relay station, stage <<< 宿場
伝: tada: pers.


category: to learn in school
keyword: communication
Number of strokes: 9
translation: practical, that is to say (bor.), letter, mail, correspondence
ben, bin
便り: tayori: letter, mail, correspondence
便りをする: tayoriosuru: write (a letter) to, correspond with
便りを聞く: tayoriokiku: hear from (a person) <<<
便りが有る: tayorigaaru <<<
便: ibari: urine (anc.) <<< 尿
便ち: sunawachi: that is to say <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: communication
Number of strokes: 11
translation: post, relay station, stage
郵: shukuba: relay station, stage

category: to learn in school
keyword: communication
Number of strokes: 18
translation: card, label, letter, mail, correspondence
kan, ken
簡: huda: card, label <<<
簡: tegami: letter, mail, correspondence <<< 手紙

category: common usage
keyword: communication
Number of strokes: 9
translation: delimit (a land), demarcate, limit, frontier, border, seal (ext.)
huu, hou
封: huu: seal (n.)
封をする: huuosuru: seal (v.)
封を切る: huuokiru: break the seal <<<
封: sakai: limit, frontier, border <<<
封じる: tojiru: delimit (a land), demarcate <<<
封: moritsuchi: mound (for a worship)

category: JIS1
keyword: ship , communication
Number of strokes: 19
translation: tie, fasten, chain, connect, link, join
繋ぐ: tsunagu: tie, fasten, chain, connect, link, join
繋げる: tsunageru
繋がり: tsunagari: connection, relation
繋がりが有る: tsunagarigaaru: be related (to, with), be connected (with) <<<
繋がる: tsunagaru: be connected (with), be joined (with, to), be related (to, with)
繋がって: tsunagatte: in a line, in succession, in a train
繋ぎ: tsunagi: connection, link, entr'acte, thickening, liaison, hedging
繋ぎに: tsunagini: to fill up the time [the gap]
繋ぎ合せる: tsunagiawaseru: join [link] (a thing to another), connect (a thing with another), piece <<<
繋ぎ止める: tsunagitomeru: sustain, moor <<<
繋ける: kakeru: connect (vt.), link, join
繋かる: kakaru: connect (vi.), link, join <<< , , ,
繋: tsugu, tsuna: pers.
related words:


pronunciation: shiriaru
etymology: serial (eg.), cereal (eg.)
keyword: communication
translation: serial, cereal
シリアル番号: shiriarubangou: serial number <<< 番号
シリアル通信: shiriarutsuushin: serial transmission <<< 通信
シリアル・ポート: shiriarupooto: serial port

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