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Direct access: 閣下 , 歓迎 , 感謝 , 乾杯 , 機嫌 , 謹賀 , 行儀 , 儀礼 , 敬愛 , 敬意


pronunciation: kakka
keyword: greeting
translation: Your Excellency, His [Her] Excellency
related words: 陛下


pronunciation: kangei
keyword: greeting
translation: welcome, reception
歓迎する: kangeisuru: welcome, hail
歓迎される: kangeisareru: be warmly received
歓迎を受ける: kangeioukeru <<<
歓迎会: kangeikai: welcome party, reception <<<
歓迎者: kangeisha: welcomer <<<
歓迎委員会: kangeiiinkai: reception committee
related words: 接待 , 応接


pronunciation: kansha
keyword: greeting
translation: thanks, gratitude
感謝する: kanshasuru: thank (v.)
感謝している: kanshashiteiru: be grateful
感謝の印として: kanshanoshirushitoshite: as a token of gratitude <<<
感謝を込めて: kanshaokomete: in recognition of his [her, your] service <<<
感謝の言葉: kanshanokotoba: thankyou, thank-you note <<< 言葉
感謝の意を表す: kanshanoioarawasu: express one's gratitude (to a person for his kindness) <<< 謝意
感謝の気持ちを表す: kanshanokimochioarawasu
感謝状: kanshajou: letter of thanks, testimonial <<<
感謝祭: kanshasai: Thanksgiving Day <<<
synonyms: 御礼
related words: 有難う


pronunciation: kanpai
keyword: greeting
translation: toast (for someone), Cheers! Chin-chin! To your health!
乾杯する: kanpaisuru: toast (v.), give the toast
related words: トースト , 祝杯


pronunciation: kigen
keyword: greeting
translation: humor, mood, temper
機嫌良く: kigennyoku: cheerfully, willingly, with a good grace <<<
機嫌が良い: kigengaii, kigengayoi: be in good humor, cheerful
機嫌が良く成る: kigengayokunaru: recover one's temper, brighten up
機嫌を直す: kigennonaosu <<<
機嫌が悪い: kigengawarui: be in bad humor [out of humor] <<<
機嫌が悪く成る: kigengawarukunaru: sulk, upset <<<
機嫌を取る: kigennotoru: flatter, court, ingratiate <<<
機嫌を伺う: kigennoukagau: ask a person's health, pay one's respects <<<
機嫌を害う: kigennosokonau: offend, hurt <<<
機嫌を損じる: kigennosonjiru <<<
上機嫌: joukigen: good [high] spirits <<<
上機嫌の: joukigennno: in good [high] spirits, good-humored, merry, cheerful
不機嫌: hukigen: bad [ill] humor, displeasure, tantrum <<<
不機嫌の: hukigennno: discontented, disgruntled, grumpy, crusty
御機嫌は: gokigenha: How are you? <<<
御機嫌は如何: gokigenhaikaga <<< 如何
御機嫌よう: gokigennyou: How are you? adieu, farewell, bon voyage <<<
synonyms: 気分


pronunciation: kinga
keyword: greeting
translation: I wish you (all the happiness)
謹賀新年: kingashinnnen: I wish you a Happy New Year <<< 新年


pronunciation: gyougi
keyword: greeting
translation: behavior, manners
行儀の良い: gyouginoii, gyouginoyoi: well-behaved <<<
行儀の悪い: gyouginowarui: ill-behaved <<<
行儀を習う: gyougionarau: learn good manners <<<
行儀を知らない: gyougioshiranai: not know good manners, have no manners <<<
行儀作法: gyougisahou: manners, etiquette <<< 作法
synonyms: マナー , エチケット


pronunciation: girei
keyword: greeting
translation: protocol, courtesy
儀礼的: gireiteki: formal <<<
儀礼的訪問: gireitekihoumon: formal [courtesy] call <<< 訪問


pronunciation: keiai
keyword: greeting
translation: veneration
敬愛する: keiaisuru: love and respect, adore, venerate, dear (a.), respectable, adorable


pronunciation: keii
keyword: greeting
translation: respect, reverence, regard, honor, homage
敬意を表す: keiioarawasu: pay one's respect [regard] (to), show one's respect, do honor [homage] (to) <<<
敬意を払う: keiioharau <<<
敬意を表して: keiioarawashite: out of respect for, in honor of <<<
related words: 尊敬

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