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Direct access: 欠席 , 見識 , 研修 , 検定 , 講演 , 工学 , 講義 , 講座 , 講師 , 講習


pronunciation: kesseki
keyword: education
translation: absence, nonattendance
欠席する: kessekisuru: be absent, fail to attend
欠席者: kessekisha: absentee <<<
欠席届: kessekitodoke: report [notice] of absence <<<
欠席裁判: kessekisaiban: judgment by default <<< 裁判
無欠席: mukesseki: regular attendance, nonabsence <<<
related words: 出席 , 欠勤


pronunciation: kenshiki
keyword: education
translation: opinion, view, discernment, knowledge, information, pride
見識が高い: kenshikigatakai: have opinion of one's own, have a broad [profound] vision, have much pride <<<
見識が有る: kenshikigaaru <<<
見識の有る人: kenshikinoaruhito: man of insight [principle]
見識張る: kenshikibaru: stand upon dignity, assume an air of importance <<<
related words: プライド


pronunciation: kenshuu
keyword: education
translation: training, internship
研修する: kenshuusuru: study, train
研修生: kenshuusei: trainee, intern <<<
研修所: kenshuujo: training institute <<<
研修会: kenshuukai: (training) workshop, seminar <<<
related words: 講習 , 養成


pronunciation: kentei
keyword: education
translation: official approval [sanction], examination
検定する: kenteisuru: give official approval [sanction] (to)
検定試験: kenteishiken: (teachers') license examination <<< 試験
検定教科書: kenteikyoukasho: authorized textbook
related words: 検査


pronunciation: kouen
keyword: politics , education
translation: lecture (n.), address (n.), discourse (n.)
講演する: kouensuru: lecture (v.), give a lecture, address (v.), discourse (v.)
講演者: kouensha: lecturer, orator, speaker <<<
講演会: kouenkai: lecture meeting <<<
講演料: kouenryou: lecture fee <<<
講演旅行: kouenryokou: lecture tour <<< 旅行
講演会場: kouenkaijou: lecture hall <<< 会場


pronunciation: kougaku
keyword: technology , education
translation: engineering
工学の: kougakuno: technological
工学部: kougakubu: faculty [department] of technology <<<
工学士: kougakushi: Bachelor of Engineering <<<
工学博士: kougakuhakushi: Doctor of Engineering <<< 博士


pronunciation: kougi
keyword: education
translation: lecture (n.), discourse
講義する: kougisuru: lecture (on a subject), deliver [give] a lecture (on), give a course (in)
講義に出る: kouginideru: attend [be present at] a lecture <<<
講義に出席する: kouginishussekisuru <<< 出席
講義を怠ける: kougionamakeru: cut a lecture <<<
講義録: kougiroku: correspondence course, transcript of lectures <<<
related words: 講座 , 授業


pronunciation: kouza
keyword: education
translation: chair, lecture, course
講座を設ける: kouzaomoukeru: establish a chair <<<
講座を開く: kouzaohiraku <<<
related words: 講義


pronunciation: koushi
keyword: education
translation: lecturer


pronunciation: koushuu
keyword: education
translation: (short) course, lesson
講習を受ける: koushuuoukeru: take a course <<<
講習生: koushuusei: trainee, student <<<
講習会: koushuukai: workshop, seminar <<<
講習所: koushuujo: training school <<<
related words: 研修 , ゼミ

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