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Direct access: 乱暴 , 略奪 , 流血 , 賄賂 , 若頭 , 悪者


pronunciation: ranbou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: violence, outrage, intemperance
乱暴な: ranbouna: violent, unruly, lawless
乱暴な事を言う: ranbounakotooiu: say harsh words, use abusive language
乱暴する: ranbousuru: do [resort to, use] violence, be rude (to)
乱暴物: ranbounamono: wild fellow, roughneck <<<
乱暴に: ranbouni: violently, roughly
乱暴に扱う: ranbouniatsukau: handle roughly <<<


pronunciation: ryakudatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , crime
translation: plunder (n.), pillage, sack
略奪する: ryakudatsusuru: plunder (v.), pillage, loot, sack, strip (a person) of (a thing)
略奪者: ryakudatsusha: plunderer, looter, predator, marauder, spoiler <<<
略奪品: ryakudatsuhin: spoils, loot, plunder, booty <<<
略奪物: ryakudatsubutsu <<<


pronunciation: ryuuketsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: bloodshed
流血の惨事: ryuuketsunosanji: affair of bloodshed, butchery <<< 惨事 , 虐殺


pronunciation: wairo
kanji characters:
keyword: crime , politics
translation: bribery, corruption
賄賂の効く: waironokiku: corruptible <<<
賄賂の効かない: waironokikanai: incorruptible
賄賂を使う: wairootsukau: bribe (v.), offer a bribe, corrupt, oil [grease] a person's hand [palm] <<< 使
賄賂を取る: wairootoru: take [accept] a bribe, be bribed [corrupted] <<<
賄賂を貰う: wairoomorau <<<
related words: 贈賄


pronunciation: wakagashira
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: deputy gang boss
related words: 組長


pronunciation: warumono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: bad fellow, rogue, knave
人を悪者にする: hitoowarumononisuru: lay the blame on a person <<<
related words: 悪人

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