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Direct access: 身代 , 無法 , 迷宮 , 模造 , 八九三 , 山師 , 誘拐 , 容疑 , 拉致 , 乱闘


pronunciation: minoshiro
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 身の代
keyword: crime
translation: ransom
身代金: minoshirokin <<<
身代金を払う: minoshirokinnoharau: pay the ransom (for a person) <<<
身代金を要求する: minoshirokinnoyoukyuusuru: demand a ransom (for a person) <<< 要求


pronunciation: muhou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , crime
translation: unlawfulness
無法な: muhouna: unlawful, lawless, outrageous
無法者: muhoumono: outrageous fellow, outlaw <<<


pronunciation: meikyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: labyrinth, maze
迷宮入り: meikyuuiri: wrapped in mystery, impossible of solution <<<


pronunciation: mozou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: imitation (n.), copy
模造の: mozouno: imitation (a.), faked, counterfeited
模造する: mozousuru: imitate, make an imitation of, copy from, counterfeit (v.)
模造品: mozouhin: counterfeit (n.), knockoff <<<
模造者: mozousha: imitator, copier, copyist, counterfeiter <<<
模造真珠: mozoushinju: imitation pearl <<< 真珠
模造ダイア: mozoudaia: faked diamond
synonyms: 偽造 , 模倣 , コピー


pronunciation: yakuza
kanji characters: , ,
other spells: ヤクザ
keyword: crime
translation: a good for nothing (893 are useless cards in a Japanese game), hooligan, worthless scamp, gambler
八九三者: yakuzamono <<<
八九三な: yakuzana: worthless, useless, good for nothing
related words:


pronunciation: yamashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: speculator, mountebank, humbug, swindler


pronunciation: yuukai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: abduction, kidnapping
誘拐する: yuukaisuru: abduct
誘拐犯: yuukaihan: abductor, kidnapper <<<
誘拐者: yuukaisha <<<
誘拐事件: yuukaijiken: kidnapping (snatch) case <<< 事件
related words: 拉致 , 誘惑


pronunciation: yougi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: suspicion
容疑を掛ける: yougiokakeru: throw a suspicion upon, suspect (v.) <<<
容疑者: yougisha: suspect (n.) <<<


pronunciation: rachi
kanji characters:
keyword: crime
translation: abduction
拉致する: rachisuru: abduct
拉致事件: rachijiken: abduction affairs <<< 事件
related words: 誘拐


pronunciation: rantou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: scuffle (n.), confused fighting, free-for-all
乱闘する: rantousuru: scuffle (v.), scrimmage

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