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Direct access: 徳利 , 土瓶 , 刃物 , 瓢箪 , 布巾 , 包丁 , 俎板 , 水瓶 , 水切 , 水差


pronunciation: tokkuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: sake bottle
徳利を回す: tokkuriomawasu: pass round a sake bottle <<<
徳利のセーター: tokkurinoseetaa: turtleneck
related words:


pronunciation: dobin
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ドビン
keyword: utensil
translation: earthen teapot
土瓶敷: dobinshiki: teapot stand <<<


pronunciation: hamono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon , utensil
translation: edge [edged] tool, cutlery
刃物師: hamonoshi: cutler <<<
synonyms: 包丁 , ナイフ


pronunciation: hyoutan
keyword: utensil
translation: bottle gourd
瓢箪形: hyoutangata: guitar-shaped <<<
瓢箪から駒: hyoutankarakoma: unexpected things will often happen <<<
瓢箪から駒が出る: hyoutankarakomagaderu <<<


pronunciation: hukin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: napkin, dishcloth, dishtowel
布巾で拭く: hukindehuku: wipe with a dishcloth <<<
布巾掛け: hukinkake: towel rail <<<
皿布巾: sarahukin: dishcloth, dishtowel <<<
濡れ布巾: nurehukin: damp cloth <<<
related words: ナプキン


pronunciation: houchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: kitchen knife
包丁を入れる: houchouoireru: curve with a kitchen knife <<<
related words: ナイフ


pronunciation: manaita
kanji characters: ,
other spells: まな板
keyword: utensil
translation: chopping [cutting] board
俎板の鯉: manaitanokoi: confronted with a hopeless situation <<<


pronunciation: mizugame
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil , astronomy
translation: water jar
水瓶座: mizugameza: Water Bearer, Aquarius <<<


pronunciation: mizukiri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: (water) drain
水切をする: mizukiriosuru: drain off, play ducks and drakes
水切器: mizukiriki: draining rack, drainer <<<


pronunciation: mizusashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: pitcher, water jug, ewer
synonyms: ピッチャー

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