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Direct access: 限度 , 高圧 , 工学 , 光線 , 故障 , 固体 , 試験 , 周波 , 衝撃 , 仕様


pronunciation: gendo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: limit, bounds, maximum
限度とする: gendotosuru: be limited
限度に達する: gendonitassuru: reach the limit, max <<<
限度を超える: gendookoeru: exceed the limit <<<
限度を定める: gendoosadameru: set a limit <<<
related words: 上限 , 限界


pronunciation: kouatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: high pressure, high-tension, high-handedness
高圧的: kouatsuteki: high-handed <<<
高圧線: kouatsusen: high-tension wire <<<
高圧電流: kouatsudenryuu: high-tension current <<< 電流
高圧回路: kouatsukairo: high-tension circuit <<< 回路
高圧手段: kouatsushudan: high-handed measure <<< 手段


pronunciation: kougaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , education
translation: engineering
工学の: kougakuno: technological
工学部: kougakubu: faculty [department] of technology <<<
工学士: kougakushi: Bachelor of Engineering <<<
工学博士: kougakuhakushi: Doctor of Engineering <<< 博士


pronunciation: kousen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: physics , technology
translation: light, ray, beam
光線の: kousennno: radial
光線状の: kousenjouno <<<
光線療法: kousenryouhou: phototherapy <<< 療法
光線兵器: kousenheiki: beam weapon <<< 兵器
光線分析: kousenbunseki: spectrum analysis <<< 分析
related words: ビーム


pronunciation: koshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , car
translation: breakdown, failure, trouble, fault, accident, hindrance, impediment, protest, objection
故障する: koshousuru: break down, fail, be out of order
故障無く: koshounaku: without accident, smoothly <<<
故障車: koshousha: disabled car <<<
故障中: koshouchuu: out of order <<<


pronunciation: kotai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , physics
translation: solid (body, object, matter)
固体の: kotaino: solid (a.), concrete
固体に成る: kotaininaru: solidify <<<
固体化: kotaika: solidification <<<
固体燃料: kotainenryou: solid fuel <<< 燃料
related words: 液体 , 気体


pronunciation: shiken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , technology
translation: examination, test (n.), experiment (n.), trial
試験する: shikensuru: examine, test (v.), experiment (v.), try
試験を行う: shikennookonau <<<
試験を受ける: shikennoukeru: take [sit for, go in for] an examination <<<
試験に受かる: shikennniukaru: pass an examination
試験に落ちる: shikennniochiru: fail in an examination <<<
試験的に: shikentekini: experimentally, tentatively <<<
試験管: shikenkan: test tube <<<
試験管ペビー: shikenkanbebii: test-tube baby
試験紙: shikenshi: test paper <<<
試験台: shikendai: test-bed <<<
試験官: shikenkan: examiner <<<
試験場: shikenjou: examination room [hall] <<<
試験問題: shikenmondai: question (for examination) <<< 問題
試験科目: shikenkamoku: subject for examination <<< 科目
試験飛行: shikenhikou: test flight <<< 飛行
related words: 受験 , テスト


pronunciation: shuuha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , media
translation: cycle, hertz
周波数: shuuhasuu: frequency <<<
周波数帯: shuuhasuutai: frequency band <<<
周波計: shuuhakei: frequency meter <<<
高周波: koushuuha: high frequency <<<
低周波: teishuuha: low frequency <<<


pronunciation: shougeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , medicine
translation: shock (n.), impact, impulse
衝撃を受ける: shougekioukeru: galvanize, jolt <<<
衝撃を与える: shougekioataeru: shock (v.), give a shock <<<
衝撃的: shougekiteki: shocking, daring <<<
衝撃音: shougekion: bang <<<
衝撃波: shougekiha: shock wave <<<
衝撃療法: shougekiryouhou: shock therapy <<< 療法
related words: ショック


pronunciation: shiyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: method, way, means
仕様の無い: shiyounonai: good-for-nothing, worthless, hopeless, incorrigible <<<
仕様が無い: shiyouganai, shouganai: good-for-nothing, worthless, hopeless, incorrigible, Pity! Too bad!
仕様書: shiyousho, shiyougaki: specifications <<<

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