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Direct access: 賃貸 , 賃料 , 邸宅 , 抵当 , 土地 , 内覧 , 長屋 , 農地 , 不動産 , 分譲


pronunciation: chintai, chingashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: hire, lease, renting
賃貸で: chintaide: on lease
賃貸する: chintaisuru: hire out, let out (a thing) on hire, lease [rent] out, put out (land) to lease
賃貸借: chintaishaku: lease, let and hiring <<<
賃貸借契約: chintaishakukeiyaku: lease [hiring] contract [agreement] <<< 契約
賃貸契約: chintaikeiyaku
賃貸人: chintainin: lessor <<<
賃貸料: chintairyou: rent, rental fee <<<
賃貸価格: chintaikakaku: land value <<< 価格
賃貸住宅: chintaijuutaku: house to rent, rented house <<< 住宅
賃貸マンション: chintaimanshon: rental apartment
related words: リース


pronunciation: chinryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: rent, rental fee
related words: 賃貸


pronunciation: teitaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: residence
大邸宅: daiteitaku: mansion <<<
related words: 屋敷 , マンション


pronunciation: teitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance , realty
translation: mortgage (n.)
抵当に入れる: teitouniireru: mortgage (v.) <<<
抵当流れ: teitounagare: foreclosure (n.) <<<
抵当貸: teitougashi: mortgage loan <<<
抵当金: teitoukin: mortgage money <<<
抵当権: teitouken: mortgage, hypothec <<<
抵当権者: teitoukensha: mortgagee <<<
抵当権設定者: teitoukensetteisha: mortgagor, mortgager
抵当物: teitoubutsu: a mortgage, security, pledge <<<
抵当物を流す: teitoubutsuonagasu: foreclose a mortgage <<<
抵当証書: teitoushousho: mortgage bond <<< 証書
抵当債務: teitousaimu: mortgage debt <<< 債務
related words: , 担保


pronunciation: tochi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , realty
translation: land, estate, lot, soil, earth, territory, locality, region, place
土地の: tochino: local, native (a.)
土地の者: tochinomono: a native <<<
土地の人間: tochinoningen <<< 人間
土地を買う: tochiokau: buy a lot (land) <<<
土地を売る: tochiouru: sell a lot (land) <<<
土地を耕す: tochiotagayasu: cultivate the ground <<<
土地勘: tochikan: feel of the place, knowledge of a place <<<
土地売買: tochibaibai: dealing in real estates, land jobbing <<< 売買
土地台帳: tochidaichou: cadastre, terrier
土地所有: tochishoyuu: demesne, landholding <<< 所有
土地改革: tochikaikaku: land reform <<< 改革
related words: 地所 , 敷地 , 地面


pronunciation: nairan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: preliminary examination [investigation, study], private inspection, preview
内覧会: nairankai: pre-display, private inauguration <<<


pronunciation: nagaya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: tenement (house)


pronunciation: nouchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming , realty
translation: agricultural land, farmland
農地の: nouchino: agrarian
農地法: nouchihou: farmland law <<<
農地改革: nouchikaikaku: agrarian reform <<< 改革
農地買上: nouchikaiage: expropriation (of farmland)


pronunciation: hudousan
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: realty
translation: immovable property, real estate, realty
不動産の: hudousannno: property (a.)
不動産業: hudousangyou: real estate agency <<<
不動産税: hudousanzei: real estate tax <<<
不動産屋: hudousannya: real estate agent, realtor <<<
不動産業者: hudousangyousha <<< 業者
不動産所得: hudousanshotoku: income from immovables <<< 所得
不動産担保証券: hudousantanposhouken: MBS, mortgage-backed securities <<< 証券
不動産投信: hudousantoushin: reit, real estate investment trust <<< 投信 , リート
不動産投資信託: hudousantoushishintaku <<< 信託


pronunciation: bunjou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: sale in lots
分譲する: bunjousuru: sell lands in lots, lot out
分譲地: bunjouchi: land for sale in lots <<<
分譲住宅: bunjoujuutaku: house in housing estate <<< 住宅
分譲マンション: bunjoumanshon: condominium apartment

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