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Direct access: 旋回 , 短針 , 惰性 , 弾力 , 長針 , 梃子 , 内燃 , 歯止 , 反転 , 不動


pronunciation: senkai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: revolution, rotation
旋回する: senkaisuru: circle (v.), turn, revolve, rotate
旋回式: senkaishiki: pivotable, revolable, rotatable, turnable <<<
旋回軸: senkaijiku: pivot <<<
旋回点: senkaiten: pivot, center of rotation <<<
旋回橋: senkaikyou: swingbridge <<<
旋回運動: senkaiundou: rotary [rotating, pivoting] movement, gyration <<< 運動
旋回飛行: senkaihikou: circular [circuitous] flight <<< 飛行
旋回砲塔: senkaihoutou: revolving turret
related words: 回転


pronunciation: tanshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: short [hour] hand (of clock)
related words: 長針


pronunciation: dasei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: inertia, momentum, force of habit
惰性で: daseide: by inertia, by force of habit, by custom


pronunciation: danryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: elasticity, flexibility
弾力性: danryokusei <<<
弾力の有る: danryokunoaru: elastic, flexible, springy, whippy <<<
弾力の無い: danryokunonai: inelastic, heavy <<<


pronunciation: choushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: long [minute] hand (of clock)
related words: 短針


pronunciation: teko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: lever
梃子の柄: tekonoe: lever arm <<<
梃子の腕: tekonoude <<<
梃子で: tekode: with a lever
梃子で持上げる: tekodemochiageru: lever up, raise (a thing) with a lever
梃子でも動かない: tekodemougokanai: do not budge [stir] an inch <<<
梃子の作用: tekonosayou: leverage, purchase <<< 作用 , レバレッジ
梃子入れ: tekoire: reinforcement, strengthening <<<
梃子入れする: tekoiresuru: reinforce, strengthen, give one's support to
synonyms: レバー


pronunciation: nainen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: internal combustion
内燃機関: nainenkikan: internal combustion engine <<< 機関 , エンジン , モーター


pronunciation: hadome
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: brake (n.), ratch, ratchet
歯止を掛ける: hadomeokakeru: brake (v.) <<<
synonyms: ブレーキ


pronunciation: hanten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: reversal, reversion, U-turn, about-turn
反転する: hantensuru: turn [roll] over, turn reversely, reverse one's course, make a U-turn
反転フィルム: hantenfirumu: reversal film


pronunciation: hudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: immovableness, motionlessness
不動の: hudouno: immovable, motionless, steadfast
不動の姿勢: hudounoshisei: position at attention <<< 姿勢
不動の姿勢を取る: hudounoshiseiotoru: stand at attention <<<
不動明王: hudoumyouou: Acala, god of fire

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