Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
Direct access: 灰皿 , 引出 , 肘掛 , 備品 , 屏風 , 布団 , 踏台 , 便器 , 本棚 , 本箱


pronunciation: haizara
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: ash tray, smoking stand


pronunciation: hikidashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: drawer, withdrawal (of money)
引出す: hikidasu: draw [pull, bring] out, drag out, elicit
引出を抜く: hikidashionuku: pull out the drawer <<<


pronunciation: hijikake
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: armrest
肘掛椅子: hijikakeisu: armchair <<< 椅子


pronunciation: bihin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: fixtures, equipments, fittings
related words: 家具


pronunciation: byoubu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: folding screen
屏風を立てる: byoubuotateru: set up a screen <<<
屏風の様な: byoubunoyouna: sheer, precipitous <<<
屏風岩: byoubuiwa: huge wall-like rock <<<
金屏風: kinbyoubu: golden folding screen <<<
synonyms: 衝立


pronunciation: huton
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: bedding, bedclothes, mattress, quilt, counterpane, cushion
布団を敷く: hutonnoshiku: make [lay] a bed <<<
布団を畳む: hutonnotatamu: fold up the bedding <<<
布団を上げる: hutonnoageru: put away the bedding <<<
布団を仕舞う: hutonnoshimau <<< 仕舞
布団を干す: hutonnohosu: dry the bedding <<<
布団を掛ける: hutonnokakeru: blanket (v.), cover with <<<
掛布団: kakebuton: quilt, coverlet, blanket (n.) <<< 毛布
敷布団: shikibuton: mattress <<< , マット
座布団: zabuton: cushion <<< , クッション
羽布団: hanebuton: feather quilt <<<
肉布団: nikubuton: concubine <<<


pronunciation: humidai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 踏み台
keyword: furniture
translation: step, footstool, steppingstone
踏台にする: humidainisuru: use as means to an end


pronunciation: benki
kanji characters: 便 ,
keyword: furniture
translation: stool, toilet bowl, toilet pan, chamber pot


pronunciation: hondana
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: bookshelf
related words: 本箱


pronunciation: honbako
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: bookcase
related words: 本棚

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