Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13
Direct access: 端末 , 電子 , 動画 , 入力 , 配信 , 半角 , 付属 , 文字 , アイコン , アイフォーン


pronunciation: tanmatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , computer
translation: terminal
related words: 末端


pronunciation: denshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: physics , electronics , computer
translation: electron
電子の: denshino: electronic
電子工学: denshikougaku: electronics <<< 工学
電子工業: denshikougyou: electronics industry <<< 工業
電子音楽: denshiongaku: electronic [electrophonic] music <<< 音楽
電子計算機: denshikeisanki: (electronic) computer
電子頭脳: denshizunou: electronic brain <<< 頭脳
電子出版: denshishuppan: electronic publishing <<< 出版
電子辞書: denshijisho: electronic dictionary <<< 辞書
電子手帳: denshitechou: electronic organizer, personal digital assistant, PDA <<< 手帳
電子決済: denshikessai: electronic clearing [payment] <<< 決済
電子顕微鏡: denshikenbikyou: electronic microscope <<< 顕微鏡
電子メール: denshimeeru: electronic mail, e-mail, email
電子レンジ: denshirenji: microwave oven
電子マネー: denshimanee: E-cash
陽電子: youdenshi: positron <<<


pronunciation: douga
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer , show
translation: animation, animated cartoon, video
動画の: dougano: animated
動画映画: dougaeiga: animation movie, anime <<< 映画 , アニメ
related words: 漫画 , ビデオ


pronunciation: nyuuryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer
translation: input (n.)
入力する: nyuuryokusuru: input (v.)
入力システム: nyuuryokushisutemu: entry system
synonyms: インプット


pronunciation: haishin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media , computer
translation: distribution (of message), delivery, broadcasting
配信する: haishinsuru: distribute (a message), deliver, broadcast
related words: 配達


pronunciation: hankaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer
translation: one byte Japanese characters and ASCII
半角文字: hankakumoji <<< 文字
related words: 全角


pronunciation: huzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer
translation: affiliation, attachment
付属の: huzokuno: belonging, attached
付属する: huzokusuru: belong, affiliate, pertain, be attached
付属品: huzokuhin: accessories, fittings <<<
付属物: huzokubutsu: dependency <<<
付属小学校: huzokushougakkou: elementary school attached to
related words: アクセサリー


pronunciation: moji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book , computer
translation: script, character, letter, symbol, writing
文字通り: mojidoori: literally <<<
文字化け: mojibake: wrong conversion of Japanese characters <<<
文字盤: mojiban: dial <<<
文字コード: mojikoodo: character code
文字フォント: mojifonto: character font
大文字: oomoji: capital letter <<<
小文字: komoji: small letter <<<
頭文字: kashiramoji: initial letter <<<
絵文字: emoji: hieroglyph, pictogram, pictograph <<<
絵文字の: emojino: hieroglyphic, pictographic
横文字: yokomoji: western character [language] <<<
杓文字: shamoji: rice ladle <<<
related words: 活字


pronunciation: aikon
etymology: icon (eg.)
keyword: computer , religion
translation: icon


pronunciation: aifoon
etymology: iphone (eg.)
keyword: computer
translation: iphone, i-phone

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