Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
Direct access: 区間 , 下車 , 広軌 , 高速 , 国鉄 , 私鉄 , 始発 , 車掌 , 車両 , 乗車


pronunciation: kukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: section, stretch
一区間: hitokukan, ichikukan: each section <<<


pronunciation: gesha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: alighting
下車する: geshasuru: get off [leave] (the train), get out (of a car), alight (from)
related words: 乗車


pronunciation: kouki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: broad-gauge
広軌鉄道: koukitetsudou: broad-gauge railroad <<< 鉄道
antonyms: 狭軌


pronunciation: kousoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train , communication
translation: high speed
高速の: kousokuno: high-speed (a.), rapid
高速道路: kousokudouro: speedway, freeway, superhighway <<< 道路 , ハイウェー
高速鉄道: kousokutetsudou: high-speed railroad [railway] <<< 鉄道
高速列車: kousokuressha: high-speed train <<< 列車
高速輸送: kousokuyusou: high-speed transport <<< 輸送
高速撮影: kousokusatsuei: high-speed photography <<< 撮影
超高速: choukousoku: ultra high-speed <<<
related words: 迅速 , 急速 , 快速


pronunciation: kokutetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: national railroad
related words: 私鉄


pronunciation: shitetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: private line, privately owned railway [railroad]
related words: 国鉄


pronunciation: shihatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: the first train [car, bus]
上り始発: noborishihatsu: the first train up <<<
始発駅: shihatsueki: starting station <<<
始発列車: shihatsuressha: the first train <<< 列車


pronunciation: shashou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: conductor, guard
車掌室: shashoushitsu: conductor's compartment <<<


pronunciation: sharyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train , car
translation: vehicles, cars, rolling stock
車両故障: sharyoukoshou: car trouble, breakdown <<< 故障
車両通行止: sharyoutsuukoudome: No thoroughfare for vehicles
related words: 自動車


pronunciation: jousha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: boarding
乗車する: joushasuru: take [get into] a train [bus, tram], board a train [bus, tram], get on [in] a car
乗車口: joushaguchi: entrance (to the platform), way in <<<
乗車券: joushaken: (railway, tramcar) ticket <<<
乗車券売場: joushakennuriba: ticket office, booking office <<< 売場
乗車賃: joushachin: (railroad, bus) fare, carfare <<< , 運賃
乗車ホーム: joushahoomu: loading platform
antonyms: 下車

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