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category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 10
translation: catch, pick up, seize
捕らえる: toraeru: catch, take [catch, get] hold of, seize, capture, arrest, apprehend
捕る: toru: take, seize, get, grasp, catch, receive, nab <<<
捕まえる: tsukamaeru: catch, capture, arrest, apprehend
捕まる: tsukamaru: be seized, be caught, be apprehended, be arrested, fall into a person's hands [clutches], take hold of, grasp

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 10
translation: search, seek
捜す: sagasu: look for, seek [search] (for), look up, feel for
synonyms: , サーチ

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 11
translation: steal, rob, pilfer
盗む: nusumu: steal (a thing from a person), pilfer (a thing from a shop), rob (a person of a thing), pirate, plagiarize
盗み: nusumi: theft, robbery
盗みを働く: nusumiohataraku: commit theft <<<
盗みをする: nusumiosuru
盗み見る: nusumimiru: steal a glance (at), look furtively <<<
盗み見する: nusumimisuru <<<

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 11
translation: lie (n.), imitation, false
gi, ka
偽り: itsuwari: lie (n.), falsehood, shenanigan
偽りの: itsuwarino: false, untrue, deceitful
偽りを言う: itsuwarioiu: tell a lie <<<
偽る: itsuwaru: tell a lie, falsify, deceive, cheat, pretend, feign
偽って: itsuwatte: by deceit [fraud]
偽: nise: imitation, copy <<<

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 13
translation: thief, robber, burglar, rebel, traitor, harm, hurt, injure, damage, spoil
賊: zoku: thief, robber, burglar, rebel, traitor
賊う: sokonau: harm, hurt, injure, damage, spoil <<< ,
賊む: nusumu: steal (a thing from a person), pilfer (a thing from a shop), rob (a person of a thing), pirate, plagiarize <<<

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 14
translation: cruel, brutal, severe, heavy, violent, hard, awful, terrible, dreadful, unreasonable, excessive, outrageous, rigorous, harsh
酷な: kokuna: hard, severe, cruel, harsh, rigorous, rigid, strict
酷い: mugoi: cruel, brutal <<<
酷い: hidoi: severe, heavy, violent, hard, awful, terrible, dreadful, cruel, unreasonable, excessive, outrageous, egregious
酷い目に会う: hidoimeniau: have an awful experience, have a hard time
酷い目に会わせる: hidoimeniawaseru: give a person a good licking, teach a person a lesson
酷い事をする: hidoikotoosuru <<<
酷く: hidoku: severely, heavily, exceedingly, terribly, badly, cruelly, outrageously
酷く成る: hidokunaru: grow worse, grow violent <<<
酷しい: kibishii: severe, rigorous, harsh <<<
酷しい: hanahadashii: very much, exceedingly, extremely <<<

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 14
translation: pull out, snatch, rob, take away, nab
奪う: ubau: snatch (a thing from a person), take (a thing) away (from a person), rob (a person of a thing), plunder (a person of his goods), pillage, deprive, absorb (a person's attention), engross (a person's mind), fascinate, enrapture, carry away
奪い合う: ubaiau: scramble (v.), contend <<<
奪い合い: ubaiai: scramble (n.) <<<
奪い返す: ubaikaesu: take [win] back, recapture <<<
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 14
translation: invite, ask, tempt
誘う: sasou
誘き出す: obikidasu: decoy [lure] (a person) out, entice away <<<
誘き入れる: obikiireru: decoy [lure] (a person) in [into] <<<
誘き寄せる: obikiyoseru: lure (a person) to, attract <<<

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 14
translation: doubt, distrust, suspicion
疑う: utagau: doubt (v.), have doubts (on, about), be doubtful (of), distrust, call (a matter) in question
疑わしい: utagawashii: doubtful, questionable, uncertain, suspicious, iffy
疑わしげに: utagawashigeni: doubtfully, suspiciously
疑わしそうに: utagawashisouni
疑うらくは: utagourakuha: perhaps (if I doubt)
疑い: utagai: doubt (n.), distrust, suspicion, question
疑いを抱く: utagaioidaku: have [entertain] a doubt (about), be suspicious of, suspect (a person of a crime) <<<
疑いを起こさせる: utagaiookosaseru: raise a doubt (on), arouse a person's suspicion <<<
疑いを架ける: utagaiokakeru: throw doubt (on), suspect <<<
疑いを招く: utagaiomaneku: incur suspicion (of), be suspected <<<
疑いの無い: utagainonai: undoubted, unquestionable, undeniable, certain, obvious <<<
疑い無く: utagainaku: undoubtedly, without [beyond] doubt <<<
疑い深い: utagaibukai: distrustful, doubting, skeptical <<<

category: common usage
keyword: crime , tool
Number of strokes: 15
translation: cord, rope, cable, correct (v.)
縄: nawa: cord, rope, cable
縄に掛かる: nawanikakaru: be arrested <<<
縄を掛ける: nawaokakeru: bind [fasten, tie] (with a rope), cord up, arrest <<<
縄を解く: nawaotoku: unbind, untie, set (a person) free <<<
縄を張る: nawaoharu: stretch a rope, rope off [out] <<<
縄す: tadasu: correct (vt.), amend <<<
synonyms: ロープ , コード

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