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Direct access: レジャー , , , , , , , , ,


pronunciation: rejaa
etymology: leisure (eg.)
keyword: amusement
translation: leisure
レジャー用品: rejaayouhin: leisure goods <<< 用品
レジャー産業: rejaasangyou: leisure industry <<< 産業
レジャー・センター: rejaasentaa: leisure center <<< センター
レジャー・ウェアー: rejaaweaa: leisure wear
レジャー・スーツ: rejaasuutsu: leisure suit <<< スーツ
レジャー・ブーム: rejaabuumu: leisure boom <<< ブーム
related words: 行楽 , 娯楽

category: to learn in school
keyword: amusement
Number of strokes: 10
translation: amuse, entertain
俳: wazaogi: artist (anc.)

category: to learn in school
keyword: amusement
Number of strokes: 12
translation: play, sport, amusement, friend, visit
遊ぶ: asobu: play (v.)
遊ばす: asobasu: let be idle (pol., jp.), let be free
遊んでいる: asondeiru: be at play, be out of work, have no job, be free, lie idle
遊び: asobi: play (n.), sport, amusement, pleasure, fun, diversion, recreation, visit, call, outing, dissipation
遊びに行く: asobiniiku: go and see (a person), go out to play <<<
遊び耽る: asobihukeru: be given to pleasure <<<
遊び暮す: asobikurasu: idle away one's time <<<
synonyms: プレー

category: to learn in school
other spells: 樂
keyword: amusement
Number of strokes: 13
translation: pleasant, joy, play, love
raku, gaku
楽しい: tanoshii: pleasant, joyful, joyous, happy, cheerful, merry, interesting
楽しい一家: tanoshiiikka: happy family
楽しく: tanoshiku: joyfully, happily, cheerfully, merrily
楽しむ: tanoshimu: play, enjoy, amuse oneself (by doing), take pleasure [delight] in
楽しませる: tanoshimaseru: please, delight, amuse, give pleasure (to), entertain
楽しみ: tanoshimi: pleasure, enjoyment, delight, joy, happiness, amusement, diversion, comfort, expectations
楽しみにする: tanoshiminisuru: look forward to
楽しみに待つ: tanoshiminimatsu <<<
楽しみにして待つ: tanoshiminishitematsu <<<
楽な: rakuna: easy, comfortable, easy, light
楽に: rakuni: at one's ease, comfortably, easily, without difficulty
楽に成る: rakuninaru: be better off, feel easier, abate <<<
楽に暮す: rakunikurasu: live in comfort <<<
楽む: konomu: love (v.), prefer <<<

category: common usage
keyword: amusement
Number of strokes: 10
translation: play, amuse, entertain, enjoy
娯しむ: tanoshimu <<<

category: common usage
keyword: amusement
Number of strokes: 15
translation: play, frolic, enjoy
gi, ge, ki
戯れる: tawamureru: play (v.), frolic, enjoy, joke, jest, flirt (with), dally (with)
戯れ: tawamure: play (n.), fun, joke, flirtation, necking, dalliance
戯れに: tawamureni: for [in] sport, for [in] fun, in play [joke, jest]
戯す: jarasu: play with
戯つく: jaratsuku: play with
戯れる: jareru: play [sport] (with), playful, frisk

category: JIS1, only in Japanese
keyword: amusement
Number of strokes: 5
translation: (paper) kite
凧: tako
凧を揚げる: takooageru: fly a kite <<<
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: amusement
Number of strokes: 7
translation: play, trifle, toy, sport, frolic, fumble, tamper
弄する: rousuru: mock (at), ridicule
弄ぶ: moteasobu: play [trifle, toy] with, make sport [a fool] of <<<
弄れる: tawamureru: play, sport, frolic <<<
弄る: ijiru: finger (v.), fumble with, play with, touch, tamper with <<< タッチ
弄くる: ijikuru

category: JIS1
keyword: amusement
Number of strokes: 15
translation: enjoy, amuse
嬉しむ: tanoshimu: enjoy, take pleasure in, amuse oneself <<<
嬉しい: ureshii: happy (jp.), glad, grateful, joyful
嬉ぶ: yorokobu: please (jp.) <<<

category: JIS2
keyword: amusement
Number of strokes: 13
translation: taste, relish
嗜む: tashinamu: be fond of, have a taste for, live, love, relish
嗜み: tashinami: taste (n.), relish, accomplishments, modesty (jp.), etiquette <<< エチケット
嗜みの良い: tashinaminoii, tashinaminoyoi: descent, reputable, ethical <<<

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