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Direct access: 顔色 , 肩凝 , 気色 , 気分 , 気持 , 強健 , 強壮 , 虚弱 , 禁煙 , 緊張


pronunciation: kaoiro
keyword: health
translation: complexion, color (of face), looks, countenance, facial expression
顔色が良い: kaoirogaii, kaoirogayoi: look well [fresh], have rosy cheeks <<<
顔色が良く成る: kaoirogayokunaru: gain color <<<
顔色が悪い: kaoirogawarui: look pale, be colorless <<<
顔色を変える: kaoirookaeru: change color, turn pale <<<
顔色に出す: kaoironidasu: betray, show <<<
顔色を伺う: kaoirooukagau: study the pleasure of a person, read a person's face <<<
顔色を読む: kaoirooyomu <<<
synonyms: 血色 , 気色


pronunciation: katakori
keyword: health
translation: stiff back
肩凝がする: katakorigasuru: have a stiff back


pronunciation: kishoku, kisoku
keyword: health
translation: looks, humor, feeling
気色が悪い: kishokugawarui: feel disgusted (at), be displeasing [disgusting] (to one) <<<
気色の悪い: kishokunowarui: displeasing, disgusting
synonyms: 気分 , 気持 , 顔色


pronunciation: kibun
keyword: health
translation: feeling, frame of mind, humor, atmosphere
気分が良い: kibungaii, kibungayoi: feel well <<<
気分が良く成る: kibungayokunaru: feel better <<<
気分が悪い: kibungawarui: feel ill [out of sorts] <<<
気分を出す: kibunnodasu: create an atmosphere (of) <<<
気分を害する: kibunnogaisuru: upset oneself <<<
気分屋: kibunnya: man of whims <<<
気分転換: kibuntenkan: distraction <<< 転換
気分転換する: kibuntenkansuru: amuse [enjoy] oneself, take a break
synonyms: 気持


pronunciation: kimochi
keyword: health
translation: feeling, sensation, mood
気持の良い: kimochinoii, kimochinoyoi: pleasant, agreeable, comfortable, enjoyable, refreshing, snug <<<
気持が良い: kimochigaii: feel comfortable [well, pleasant, agreeable]
気持の悪い: kimochinowarui: unpleasant, disagreeable, uncomfortable, sick <<<
気持が悪い: kimochigawarui: feel uncomfortable [sick, unpleasant, disagreeable]
気持を悪くする: kimochiowarukusuru: hurt a person's feelings, offend a person
気持良く: kimochiyoku: pleasantly, agreeably, cheerfully, willingly, with a good grace <<<
related words: 心地 , 気分 , 心持


pronunciation: kyouken
keyword: health
translation: robustness, vigor
強健な: kyoukennna: robust, sturdy, sound


pronunciation: kyousou
keyword: health , sport
translation: fortification, health
強壮な: kyousouna: strong, stout, healthy
強壮にする: kyousounisuru: fortify
強壮剤: kyousouzai: tonic, analeptic <<<
synonyms: 健康


pronunciation: kyojaku
keyword: health
translation: weakness, infirmity
虚弱な: kyojakuna: weak, delicate, sickly
虚弱体質: kyojakutaishitsu: weak constitution


pronunciation: kinnen
keyword: health
translation: No smoking
禁煙する: kinnensuru: give up [stop, abstain from] smoking
禁煙席: kinnenseki: nonsmoking seat <<<
禁煙室: kinnenshitsu: nonsmoking room <<<
禁煙車: kinnensha: nonsmoking car [carriage] <<<
禁煙車両: kinnensharyou <<< 車両
antonyms: 喫煙
related words: 煙草


pronunciation: kinchou
keyword: health
translation: strain, tension, seriousness, nervousness
緊張する: kinchousuru: be strained [tense, on the strain]
緊張した: kinchoushita: strained, tense, serious, nervous
緊張に欠く: kinchounikaku: lack seriousness <<<
緊張を解す: kinchouohogusu: relax (v.), calm <<<
緊張感: kinchoukan: suspense, nervousness <<<
related words: サスペンス

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