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Direct access: 御蔭 , 御辞儀 , 御世辞 , 御早う , 御目出度 , 御休み , 御礼 , 恩返し , 御中 , 各位


pronunciation: okage
other spells: お蔭
keyword: greeting
translation: favor, aid, support
御蔭で: okagede: thanks to, by grace of
御蔭様: okagesama: thanks <<<


pronunciation: ojigi
other spells: お辞儀
keyword: greeting
translation: bow (n.)
御辞儀する: ojigisuru: bow (v.), make a bow (to)
related words: 挨拶


pronunciation: oseji
other spells: お世辞
keyword: greeting
translation: compliment, flattery
御世辞に: osejini: in [as a, by way of] compliment
御世辞で: osejide
御世辞が良い: osejigaii: be affable [friendly] <<<
御世辞が巧い: osejigaumai: be very complimentary <<<
御世辞を言う: osejioiu: pay (a person) compliments, flatter, say pretty things <<<
御世辞抜きで: osejinukide: frankly speaking <<<
御世辞笑い: osejiwarai: compliment smile <<<
御世辞屋: osejiya: flatterer, smooth-tongue person <<<
synonyms: 愛想


pronunciation: ohayou
other spells: お早う
keyword: greeting
translation: good morning
御早うを言う: ohayouoiu: say good morning (to), bid (a person) good morning <<<
御早うと言う: ohayoutoiu
御早う御座居ます: ohayougozaimasu: good morning (pol.)


pronunciation: omedetou
other spells: 御芽出度
keyword: greeting
translation: congratulations!
御目出度い: omedetai: matter for congratulation
御目出度い人: omedetaihito: soft-headed person, simpleton <<<


pronunciation: oyasumi
other spells: お休み
keyword: greeting
translation: holiday, vacation, sleeping
御休みなさい: oyasuminasai: Good night!
御休みを言う: oyasumioiu: say [bid] sb. good night <<<


pronunciation: orei
keyword: greeting
translation: reward (n.), thanks, gratitude
御礼をする: oreiosuru: reward (v.), give a reward, remunerate, pay a fee
御礼に: oreini: in return for
御礼を述べる: oreionoberu: thank (v.), express one's thanks <<<
御礼を言う: oreioiu <<<
御礼参り: oreimairi: visit (of a temple) for thanksgiving, revenge call (by gangsters) <<<
related words: 感謝 , 謝意


pronunciation: ongaeshi
keyword: greeting
translation: return for a person's kindness [favor, service]
恩返しに: ongaeshini: by way of thanks for, in appreciation of, in gratitude for, in return for
恩返しする: ongaeshisuru: requite [repay] a person's kindness [favor]
鶴の恩返し: tsurunoongaeshi: The gratitude of the crane (a Japanese fairy tale), The grateful crane <<<
related words: 感謝


pronunciation: onchuu, onaka
keyword: greeting
translation: to the before mentioned person [company] (formula at start of a letter), stomach


pronunciation: kakui
keyword: greeting
translation: Gentlemen, Sirs, Messrs., all, every one
related words: 皆様

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