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Direct access: 天敵 , 天然 , 登山 , 泥沼 , 雪崩 , 軟水 , 熱帯 , 野原 , 野山 , 博物


pronunciation: tenteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: natural enemy


pronunciation: tennnen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: nature, spontaneity
天然の: tennnennno: natural
天然の美: tennnennnobi: natural beauty, beauties of nature <<<
天然痘: tennnentou: smallpox <<<
天然食: tennnenshoku: natural food <<<
天然色: tennnenshoku: natural color <<<
天然色写真: tennnenshokushashin: color photograph <<< 写真
天然色映画: tennnenshokueiga: color film <<< 映画
天然資源: tennnenshigen: natural resource <<< 資源
天然記念物: tennnenkinenbutsu: natural monument
天然ガス: tennnengasu: natural gas
synonyms: 自然


pronunciation: tozan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , nature
translation: mountain climbing, mountaineering
登山する: tozansuru: climb, ascend a mountain
登山家: tozanka: climber, mountaineer, alpinist <<<
登山者: tozansha <<<
登山靴: tozangutsu: mountaineering boots <<<
登山隊: tozantai: mountaineering party <<<
登山杖: tozantsue: alpenstock <<<
登山熱: tozannnetsu: passion [craze] for mountaineering <<<
登山鉄道: tozantetsudou: mountain railway <<< 鉄道
登山電車: tozandensha <<< 電車
登山シーズン: tozanshiizun: mountaineering season
synonyms: 山登り


pronunciation: doronuma
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: bog
泥沼に填る: doronumanihamaru: be bogged down, get stuck in a fix <<<
泥沼戦争: doronumasensou: quagmire of a war <<< 戦争


pronunciation: nadare
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather , nature
translation: avalanche, snowslide


pronunciation: nansui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: soft water
antonyms: 硬水


pronunciation: nettai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , nature
translation: tropical zone
熱帯の: nettaino: tropical
熱帯魚: nettaigyo: tropical fish <<<
熱帯病: nettaibyou: tropical disease <<<
熱帯植物: nettaishokubutsu: tropical plant [flora] <<< 植物
熱帯地方: nettaichihou: the tropics <<< 地方
熱帯雨林: nettaiurin: tropical forest
熱帯低気圧: nettaiteikiatsu: tropical depression
亜熱帯: anettai: subtropical zone <<<
亜熱帯の: anettaino: subtropical
antonyms: 寒帯


pronunciation: nohara
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: (uncultivated) field, plain, green
焼け野原: yakenohara: burnt-out area <<<
related words: 草原


pronunciation: noyama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: hills and fields [dales]
synonyms: 自然


pronunciation: hakubutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , nature
translation: natural history
博物学: hakubutsugaku <<<
博物学者: hakubutsugakusha: naturalist <<< 学者
博物館: hakubutsukan: museum of natural history, natural museum <<<

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