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category: JIS2
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 10
translation: shrine, dedicate, consecrate, enshrine, worship
祠: hokora: small shrine
祠る: matsuru: dedicate a shrine, enshrine, worship <<<
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 14
translation: purify, exorcise
禊: misogi: purification, ablutions
禊う: harau: purify, exorcise <<<


pronunciation: aikon
etymology: icon (eg.)
keyword: computer , religion
translation: icon


pronunciation: isuramu
other spells: イスラーム
etymology: Islam (eg.)
keyword: religion
translation: Islam
イスラム教: isuramukyou: Islam, Mohammedanism <<<
イスラム教の: isuramukyouno: Islamic
イスラム教徒: isuramukyouto: Muslim, Moslem <<<
イスラム寺院: isuramujiin: mosque <<< モスク
イスラム国: isuramukoku: Islamic State, ISIS <<<
イスラム原理主義: isuramugenrishugi: Islamic Fundamentalism
イスラム原理主義者: isuramugenrishugisha: Islamic Fundamentalist
synonyms: 回教


pronunciation: karisuma
etymology: charisma (eg.)
keyword: religion
translation: charisma
カリスマ的: karisumateki: charismatic <<<


pronunciation: girisha
other spells: ギリシア
etymology: Gresia (pt.)
keyword: europe , history , religion
translation: Greece
ギリシャの: girishano: Greek (a.), Grecian, Hellenic
ギリシャ人: girishajin: Greek (people) <<<
ギリシャ語: girishago: Greek language <<<
ギリシャ正教: girishaseikyou: Greek Orthodox Church
ギリシャ文明: girishabunmei: Hellenic [Greek] civilization, Hellenism
ギリシャ神話: girishashinwa: Greek mythology
ギリシャ哲学: girishatetsugaku: Greek philosophy
ギリシャ彫刻: girishachoukoku: Greek sculpture
ギリシャ料理: girisharyouri: Greek dishes [meal, cooking]
ギリシャ・レストラン: girisharesutoran: Greek restaurant <<< レストラン


pronunciation: kooran
etymology: Qur’aan (ar.)
keyword: religion
translation: Koran
related words: イスラム


pronunciation: shaman
other spells: シャーマン
etymology: shaman (eg.)
keyword: religion
translation: shaman, witch doctor
related words: 巫女


pronunciation: jihaado
etymology: jihad (eg.)
keyword: religion , history
translation: jihad
related words: 聖戦


pronunciation: sekuto
etymology: sect (eg.)
keyword: religion , politics
translation: sect
セクトの: sekutono: sectarian
セクト的な: sekutotekina <<<
セクト主義: sekutoshugi: sectionalism
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