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Direct access: 猛暑 , 模様 , 夕立 , 夕日 , 夕焼 , 雪掻き , 陽気 , 予報 , 雷雨 , 雷鳴


pronunciation: mousho
keyword: weather
translation: intense heat, dog days


pronunciation: moyou
keyword: art , weather
translation: pattern (n.), figure, design, appearance, look, signs, indications
模様入りの: moyouirino: patterned <<<
模様を付ける: moyouotsukeru: pattern (v.), put on [decorate with] a pattern, figure <<<
模様替えをする: moyougaeosuru: rearrange, restructure, reorganize, remodel, reshape <<<
模様次第で: moyoushidaide: according to circumstances
荒れ模様: aremoyou: signs of a storm, lowering sky <<<
空模様: soramoyou: look of the sky <<<
雨模様: amemoyou: signs of a rain <<<
花模様: hanamoyou: flower pattern <<<
related words: モチーフ , パターン


pronunciation: yuudachi
keyword: weather
translation: rain shower
夕立が来る: yuudachigakuru: There is a shower coming <<<
夕立に遭う: yuudachiniau: be caught in [overtaken by] a shower <<<
synonyms: 通り雨
related words: 雷雨


pronunciation: yuuhi
other spells: 夕陽
keyword: weather
translation: evening sun, setting sun, evening light
synonyms: 落日 , 夕焼
antonyms: 朝日


pronunciation: yuuyake
keyword: weather
translation: evening glow, afterglow
夕焼け空: yuuyakezora: sky aglow with the setting sun, glowing sky <<<
related words: 夕日


pronunciation: yukikaki
keyword: weather
translation: show shoveling, snow shovel
雪掻きをする: yukikakiosuru: clear of snow, remove [sweep, shovel away] the snow
雪掻き車: yukikakiguruma, yukikakisha: (Russell, rotary) snowplow <<<
related words: 除雪


pronunciation: youki
keyword: weather
translation: cheerfulness, gaiety, merriment, liveliness, weather
陽気な: youkina: cheerful, gay, merry, lively, gleeful, hilarious, frisky, breezy
陽気に: youkini: cheerfully, gleefully
陽気に騒ぐ: youkinisawagu: make merry <<<
陽気に成る: youkininaru: become merry <<<
陽気者: youkimono: jovial man <<<
antonyms: 陰気


pronunciation: yohou
keyword: weather
translation: forecast (n.), prediction
予報する: yohousuru: forecast (v.), predict
related words: 予言


pronunciation: raiu
keyword: weather
translation: thunderstorm, thundershower
雷雨に遭う: raiuniau: be overtaken by a thunderstorm [thundershower] <<<
雷雨に襲われる: raiuniosowareru <<<
雷雨を孕んだ: raiuoharanda: thundery <<<
雷雨模様の: raiumoyouno <<< 模様
雷雨が来る: raiugakuru: A thunderstorm is approaching <<<
雷雨が去る: raiugasaru: The thunderstorm passes <<<


pronunciation: raimei
keyword: weather
translation: thunderclap, peal of thunder
雷鳴がする: raimeigasuru: The thunder rolls
雷鳴が轟く: raimeigatodoroku <<<
related words: 稲妻

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