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Direct access: 薬品 , 有機 , 油脂 , 溶液 , 溶解 , 溶剤 , 沃素 , 要素 , 理化学 , 燐酸


pronunciation: yakuhin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug , chemistry
translation: medicines, drugs, chemicals
薬品中毒: yakuhinchuudoku: drug intoxication <<< 中毒
related words: 薬剤


pronunciation: yuuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , biology
translation: organic matter
有機物: yuukibutsu <<<
有機の: yuukino: organic
有機的: yuukiteki: organic, systematic <<<
有機体: yuukitai: organism, organic body <<<
有機化学: yuukikagaku: organic chemistry <<< 化学
有機化合物: yuukikagoubutsu: organic compound
有機農業: yuukinougyou: organic farming [agriculture] <<< 農業
有機肥料: yuukihiryou: organic fertilizer <<< 肥料
antonyms: 無機


pronunciation: yushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: oils and fats
油脂工業: yushikougyou: oil and fats industry <<< 工業


pronunciation: youeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: solution
濃溶液: nouyoueki: strong [concentrated] solution <<<
related words: 溶剤


pronunciation: youkai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: fusion, melting, dissolution
溶解する: youkaisuru: dissolve, melt
溶解液: youkaieki: solution <<<
溶解剤: youkaizai: solvent <<<
溶解度: youkaido: solvability <<<
溶解性: youkaisei <<<
溶解力: youkairyoku: melting [dissolution] capacity <<<
related words: 熔解


pronunciation: youzai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: solvent
related words: 溶液


pronunciation: youso
kanji characters:
other spells: ヨウ素
keyword: chemistry
translation: iodine
沃素を含んだ: yousoohukunda: containing iodine, iodine-containing <<<
沃素酸: yousosan: iodic acid <<<


pronunciation: youso
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: element, factor, requisite
要素を成す: yousoonasu: be essential to <<<


pronunciation: rikagaku
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: chemistry , physics
translation: physics and chemistry
理化学の: rikagakuno: physicochemical
related words: 化学 , 物理


pronunciation: rinsan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: phosphoric acid
燐酸塩: rinsannen: phosphate <<<
燐酸肥料: rinsanhiryou: phosphatic manure [fertilizer] <<< 肥料
燐酸カルシウム: rinsankarushiumu: calcium phosphate

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