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Direct access: 日入 , 日出 , 昼間 , 不意 , 毎朝 , 毎回 , 毎度 , 毎晩 , 真昼 , 元々


pronunciation: hinoiri
other spells: 日の入り
keyword: weather , time
translation: sunset, sundown
日入に: hinoirini: at sunset
日入前に: hinoirimaeni: before sunset <<<
synonyms: 日没
antonyms: 日出


pronunciation: hinode
other spells: 日の出
keyword: weather , time
translation: sunrise, rising sun
日出に: hinodeni: at sunrise
日出前に: hinodemaeni: before sunrise <<<
日出の勢い: hinodenoikioi: in the ascendant, very prosperous <<<
初日出: hatsuhinode: sunrise on New Year's Day <<<
synonyms: 夜明 , 朝日
antonyms: 日入


pronunciation: hiruma
keyword: time
translation: daytime
昼間に: hirumani: in the daytime, by day
synonyms: 日中
antonyms: 夜間


pronunciation: hui
keyword: time
translation: suddenness, unexpectedness, abruptness
不意の: huino: sudden, unexpected, unlooked-for, abrupt
不意に: huini: suddenly, unexpectedly, without previous notice [warning], all of a sudden
不意に訪れる: huiniotozureru: pay (a person) a surprise visit <<<
不意に訪問する: huinihoumonsuru <<< 訪問
不意打: huiuchi: surprise attack, lurch <<<
不意打を食わす: huiuchiokuwasu: take (a person) by surprise, give (a person) a surprise attack <<<
不意打を食う: huiuchiokuu: be taken by surprise, be caught napping [unawares] <<<
related words:


pronunciation: maiasa
keyword: time
translation: every morning
related words: 毎晩


pronunciation: maikai
keyword: time
translation: each [every] time
synonyms: 毎度 , 都度
related words:


pronunciation: maido
keyword: time
translation: each [every] time, always, often, frequently
synonyms: 毎回 , 都度
related words:


pronunciation: maiban
keyword: time
translation: each night
毎晩毎晩: maibanmaiban: night after night
related words: 毎朝


pronunciation: mahiru
keyword: time
translation: high noon, broad daylight
真昼に: mahiruni: at high noon, in broad daylight
真昼の決闘: mahirunokettou: High Noon (an US western, 1952) <<< 決闘
synonyms: 正午


pronunciation: motomoto
other spells: 元元
keyword: time
translation: from the first [beginning], originally, by nature, naturally

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