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Direct access: 荒廃 , 降伏 , 後方 , 攻防 , 攻略 , 克服 , 国防 , 国境 , 近衛 , 孤立


pronunciation: kouhai
keyword: war
translation: desolation, dilapidation, ruin, devastation
荒廃する: kouhaisuru: go to ruin [decay], be devastated, be laid waste
荒廃させる: kouhaisaseru: ruin [v.], devastate
荒廃した: kouhaishita: ruined, desolate
荒廃地: kouhaichi: wasteland <<<


pronunciation: kouhuku
keyword: war
translation: surrender (n.), capitulation, submission
降伏する: kouhukusuru: surrender (v.), submit [yield, give in] (in), capitulate, lay down one's arms
降伏させる: kouhukusaseru: compel into submission, compel to submit [submission]
降伏旗: kouhukuki: flag of surrender, white flag <<<
降伏文書: kouhukubunsho: instrument of surrender <<< 文書
synonyms: 降参
related words: 白旗


pronunciation: kouhou
keyword: position , war
translation: rear (n.)
後方の: kouhouno: rear (a.), backward
後方に: kouhouni: backward, in the rear (of)
後方基地: kouhoukichi: rear base <<< 基地
後方勤務: kouhoukinmu: rear service <<< 勤務
後方部隊: kouhoubutai: troops in the rear, rearguard <<< 部隊
related words: 前方


pronunciation: koubou
keyword: war
translation: offense and defense
攻防戦: koubousen: offensive and defensive battle <<<


pronunciation: kouryaku
keyword: war
translation: capture (n.), conquest
攻略する: kouryakusuru: capture (v.), carry, conquer
攻略本: kouryakubon: strategic guide (book) <<<
攻略不能: kouryakuhunou: invulnerable <<< 不能
synonyms: 攻撃


pronunciation: kokuhuku
keyword: war
translation: conquest
克服する: kokuhukusuru: conquer, overcome, surmount, vanquish
克服出来ない: kokuhukudekinai: unconquerable, invincible <<< 出来


pronunciation: kokubou
keyword: war
translation: national defense
国防費: kokubouhi: national defense expenditure <<<
国防計画: kokuboukeikaku: national defense program <<< 計画
国防軍: kokubougun: national defense forces <<<
国防省: kokuboushou: department of defense, <<<
国防大臣: kokuboudaijin: ministry of defense <<< 大臣
国防長官: kokubouchoukan: secretary of defense <<< 長官


pronunciation: kokkyou
keyword: geography , war
translation: frontier, (national) boarder, boundary
国境線: kokkyousen: boarder line <<<
国境紛争: kokkyouhunsou: boundary dispute <<< 紛争
国境地帯: kokkyouchitai: border area <<< 地帯
国境警備: kokkyoukeibi: border guard <<< 警備
国境警備兵: kokkyoukeibihei: frontier-guard <<<
国境侵犯: kokkyoushinpan: border violation
国境画定: kokkyoukakutei: delimitation of frontier
related words: 境界


pronunciation: konoe
keyword: war
translation: Imperial Guard
近衛兵: konoehei: Imperial Guards (soldiers) <<<
近衛師団: konoeshidan: Imperial Guard Division <<< 師団
近衛連隊: konoerentai: Imperial Guard Regiment <<< 連隊
近衛将校: konoeshoukou: Guards officer <<< 将校


pronunciation: koritsu
keyword: war
translation: isolation, detachment
孤立する: koritsusuru: be isolated, detached, helpless
孤立した: koritsushita: isolated, detached, helpless
孤立させる: koritsusaseru: isolate
孤立主義: koritsushugi: isolationism <<< 主義
孤立主義者: koritsushugisha: isolationist <<<
related words: 孤独

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