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Direct access: 大河 , 大陸 , 谷間 , 淡水 , 地球 , 地底 , 頂上 , 頂点 , 月見 , 天敵


pronunciation: taiga
keyword: nature
translation: large river
大河小説: taigashousetsu: saga novel, roman fleuve <<< 小説
大河ドラマ: taigadorama: long historical TV-dramas (broadcasted by NHK in Japan)


pronunciation: tairiku
keyword: geography , nature
translation: continent
大陸的: tairikuteki: continental <<<
大陸性: tairikusei <<<
大陸性気候: tairikuseikikou: continental climate <<< 気候
大陸棚: tairikudana: continental shelf <<<
大陸横断の: tairikuoudannno: transcontinental <<< 横断
大陸移動: tairikuidou: continental drift <<< 移動
大陸移動説: tairikuidousetsu: theory of continental drift <<<
大陸主義: tairikushugi: continentalism <<< 主義
大陸思想: tairikushisou <<< 思想
米大陸: beitairiku: American Continent <<<
新大陸: shintairiku: New Continent <<<
旧大陸: kyuutairiku: Old Continent <<<
related words: 大洋


pronunciation: tanima
keyword: nature
translation: valley, ravine, gorge
related words: 峡谷


pronunciation: tansui
keyword: nature
translation: fresh water
淡水魚: tansuigyo: freshwater fish <<<
淡水湖: tansuiko: fresh-water lake <<<
related words: 海水 , 真水


pronunciation: chikyuu
keyword: astronomy , nature
translation: Earth, world, globe
地球儀: chikyuugi: terrestrial globe <<<
地球温暖化: chikyuuondanka: global warming
地球物理学: chikyuubutsurigaku: geophysics
related words: 世界 , 天球


pronunciation: chitei
keyword: nature
translation: underworld, underground
地底探検: chiteitanken: A Journey to the Center of the Earth (Jules Verne's science fiction, 1864) <<< 探検
related words: 地中 , 地下


pronunciation: choujou
keyword: geography , nature
translation: top, summit, the highest peak, zenith, apex
頂上を征服する: choujouoseihukusuru: gain [win, get to] the summit <<< 征服
頂上を極める: choujouokiwameru <<<
頂上会議: choujoukaigi: summit conference <<< 会議
related words: 頂点 , サミット


pronunciation: chouten
keyword: geography , nature
translation: apex, top
頂点に達する: choutennnitassuru: reach [attain] the peak [climax] <<<
related words: 頂上 , トップ


pronunciation: tsukimi
keyword: nature , amusement
translation: moon viewing
月見をする: tsukimiosuru: view [admire] the moon, enjoy the moonlight
月見の宴: tsukiminoen: moon viewing feast <<<
月見草: tsukimisou: evening primrose <<<


pronunciation: tenteki
keyword: nature
translation: natural enemy

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