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Direct access: 蜃気楼 , 震動 , 新緑 , 森林 , 上流 , 水系 , 水月 , 水族館 , 水底 , 水滴


pronunciation: shinkirou
keyword: nature
translation: mirage


pronunciation: shindou
keyword: nature
translation: vibration (of earthquake), tremor
震動する: shindousuru: tremble, quake, quiver
震動を感じる: shindouokanjiru: feel a shock <<<
震動波: shindouha: earthquake wave <<<
震動計: shindoukei: seismography <<<
震動時間: shindoujikan: duration of vibration <<< 時間
related words: 振動


pronunciation: shinryoku
keyword: nature
translation: fresh green, verdure
新緑の頃: shinryokunokoro: season of fresh verdure <<<
新緑の季節しんりょくのきせつ: <<< 季節
related words: 青葉


pronunciation: shinrin
keyword: nature
translation: forest, timber
森林の: shinrinnno: forestry
森林学: shinringaku: forestry studies <<<
森林法: shinrinhou: forest laws <<<
森林浴: shinrinnyoku: forest bathing <<<
森林帯: shinrintai: forest land <<<
森林地帯: shinrinchitai <<< 地帯
森林行政: shinringyousei: forest [forestry] administration <<< 行政
森林管理: shinrinkanri: forestry commission <<< 管理
森林管理人: shinrinkanrinin: forest manager, forest ranger <<<
森林破壊: shinrinhakai: deforestation <<< 破壊
森林公園: shinrinkouen: forest park <<< 公園
森林開発: shinrinkaihatsu: forestry development <<< 開発
森林保護: shinrinhogo: forest protection <<< 保護


pronunciation: jouryuu
keyword: nature
translation: upper stream [reaches] of a river, upper classes, polite [select] society
上流に: jouryuuni: upperstream (adv.), up the river
上流階級: jouryuukaikyuu: upper classes <<< 階級
上流社会: jouryuushakai: polite [select] society <<< 社会
antonyms: 下流


pronunciation: suikei
keyword: nature , geography
translation: drainage [water] system
related words: 河川


pronunciation: suigetsu
keyword: nature
translation: moon reflection on water, imaginary phenomenon


pronunciation: suizokukan
keyword: fish , biology , nature
translation: aquarium


pronunciation: suitei, mizuzoko
keyword: nature
translation: bottom of the water
水底で: suiteide: at the bottom of the water
水底に沈む: suiteinishizumu: sink to the bottom of the water <<<
水底に没する: suiteinibossuru <<<
水底魚: suiteigyo: ground fish <<<
related words: 海底


pronunciation: suiteki
keyword: nature
translation: drop [drip] of water, waterdrop

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