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Direct access: 縁日 , 閻魔 , 御守 , 御神籤 , 回教 , 開祖 , 割礼 , 神々 , 神様 , 神棚


pronunciation: ennnichi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion , business
translation: temple [shrine] festival fair
縁日の店: ennnichinomise: street stall [booth] at a fair <<<
縁日の商人: ennnichinoshounin: stallkeeper at a fair <<< 商人


pronunciation: enma
kanji characters:
keyword: religion
translation: the Jude of Hades
閻魔帳: enmachou: teacher's mark book <<<


pronunciation: omamori, omori
kanji characters: ,
other spells: お守
keyword: religion , family
translation: charm against evils, talisman, nursemaid, baby-sitter
synonyms: 子守


pronunciation: omikuji
kanji characters: , ,
other spells: お神籤
keyword: religion
translation: written oracle, fortune slip
御神籤を引く: omikujiohiku: draw a sacred lot <<<


pronunciation: kaikyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: Islam, Islamism, Mohammedanism
回教の: kaikyouno: Islamic, Mohammedan
回教徒: kaikyouto: Muslim, Moslem <<<
回教国: kaikyoukoku: Islamic [Mohammedan] country <<<
回教寺院: kaikyoujiin: mosque <<< 寺院 , モスク
回教文化: kaikyoubunka: Islamic [Mohammedan] culture <<< 文化
synonyms: イスラム


pronunciation: kaiso
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: founder (of a sect), originator, initiator


pronunciation: katsurei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: circumcision
割礼する: katsureisuru: circumcise
割礼祭: katsureisai: The Circumcision <<<


pronunciation: kamigami
kanji characters:
other spells: 神神
keyword: religion
translation: gods (plur.)
神々の黄昏: kamigaminotasogare: Twilight of the Gods (Richard Wagner´s opera, 1876) <<< 黄昏


pronunciation: kamisama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: dear God, virtuoso, master
神様にお祈りする: kamisamanioinorisuru: pray to dear God <<<
related words: 名人


pronunciation: kamidana
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: family altar

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