Japanese display
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Direct access: 茣蓙 , 三脚 , 食卓 , 寝具 , 寝台 , 絨毯 , 箪笥 , 卓袱台 , 衝立 , 戸棚


pronunciation: goza
other spells: ゴザ
keyword: furniture
translation: mat, matting
茣蓙を敷く: gozaoshiku: spread a mat <<<
茣蓙を敷いた: gozaoshiita: matted
related words: マット


pronunciation: sankyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: tripod
三脚の: sankyakuno: tripodal, three-legged
三脚台: sankyakudai: three-legged stool <<<
三脚椅子: sankyakuisu <<< 椅子


pronunciation: shokutaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: dining table
食卓に着く: shokutakunitsuku: sit at [down to] table, be at table <<<
食卓掛け: shokutakukake: tablecloth <<<
食卓塩: shokutakuen: table salt <<<
synonyms: テーブル


pronunciation: shingu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: bedding, bedclothes
related words: ベッド


pronunciation: shindai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: bed, bedstead, couch, berth
寝台掛け: shindaigake: bedspread, bed cover <<<
寝台券: shindaiken: berth ticket <<<
寝台車: shindaisha: sleeping car, carriage <<<
寝台料金: shindairyoukin: berth charge <<< 料金
synonyms: ベッド


pronunciation: juutan
keyword: furniture
translation: carpet (n.), rug
絨毯を敷く: juutannoshiku: carpet (v.), spread a carpet <<<
絨毯止め: juutandome: carpet rod <<<
絨毯爆撃: juutanbakugeki: carpet bombing <<< 爆撃
synonyms: カーペット


pronunciation: tansu
other spells: タンス
keyword: furniture
translation: chest of drawers, cabinet
箪笥の引出し: tansunohikidashi: drawer <<< 引出
箪笥貯金: tansuchokin: hoarded money <<< 貯金
related words: クローゼット


pronunciation: chabudai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ちゃぶ台
keyword: furniture
translation: low [collapsible] dining table
卓袱台返し: chabudaigaeshi: flipping a table over in anger, overturning a table in anger <<<


pronunciation: tsuitate
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: screen, portable partitions
synonyms: 屏風


pronunciation: todana
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: cupboard, cabinet, closet

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