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Direct access: 耕作 , 小作 , 小屋 , 搾乳 , 散布 , 収穫 , 水田 , 田畑 , 茶畑 , 出来


pronunciation: kousaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: cultivation, culture, farming
耕作する: kousakusuru: cultivate, farm (v.)
耕作地: kousakuchi: cultivated land, farm (n.) <<<
耕作者: kousakusha: cultivator, farmer, planter <<<
耕作物: kousakubutsu: farm products <<<
synonyms: 農耕


pronunciation: kosaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: tenancy
小作する: kosakusuru: tenant a farm
小作権: kosakuken: tenant right <<<
小作地: kosakuchi: tenant farmland <<<
小作人: kosakunin: tenant farmer <<<
小作料: kosakuryou: farm rent <<<
小作農: kosakunou: tenant farming, tenant farmer <<<
小作制度: kosakuseido: tenancy system <<< 制度


pronunciation: koya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: hut, cabin, shed, barn, pen, booth, shack, shanty
小屋を掛ける: koyaokakeru: put up a temporary shed <<<
山小屋: yamagoya: mountain hut [lodge] <<<
犬小屋: inugoya: kennel, doghouse <<<
鶏小屋: torigoya: henhouse <<<
鳥小屋: torigoya: birdhouse <<<
鳩小屋: hatogoya: dovecote <<<
馬小屋: umagoya: burn, stable <<<
牛小屋: ushigoya: cowshed <<<
豚小屋: butagoya: pigsty, pigpen <<<


pronunciation: sakunyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: milking
搾乳する: sakunyuusuru: milk (a cow)
搾乳器: sakunyuuki: milking machine, milker <<<
搾乳機: sakunyuuki <<<
搾乳場: sakunyuujou: dairy, creamery, milking parlor <<<


pronunciation: sanpu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: scattering, spraying, pulverization, aspersion
散布する: sanpusuru: sprinkle, spread, scatter, spray, pulverize, asperse
散布器: sanpuki: sprinkler <<<
散布薬: sanpuyaku: dusting powder <<<


pronunciation: shuukaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: harvest (n.), crop
収穫する: shuukakusuru: harvest (v.), crop
収穫高: shuukakudaka: yield, crop <<<
収穫期: shuukakuki: harvesting season <<<
収穫時: shuukakuji <<<
収穫祭: shuukakusai: harvest home [festival] <<<


pronunciation: suiden
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: rice-field, paddy field
水田地帯: suidenchitai: rice-growing region <<< 地帯


pronunciation: tahata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: cultivated land, fields, farm


pronunciation: chabatake
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: tea garden [field]


pronunciation: deki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , farming
translation: result, effect, crop, harvest, yield, make
出来る: dekiru: can, be able to, be capable of, be done, be ready, yield, feasible
出来るだけ: dekirudake: as possible
出来るだけ早く: dekirudakehayaku: as soon [quickly] as possible <<<
出来ない: dekinai: cannot, be unable to
出来が良い: dekigaii: be of good workmanship, cropped well, be of fine make <<<
出来が悪い: kigawarui: be of bad workmanship, cropped bad, be of poor make <<<
出来上がる: dekiagaru: be finished, completed <<<
出来栄え: dekibae: result, performance <<<
出来事: dekigoto: occurrence, event, incident <<<
出来物: dekimono: tumor, sore, abscess <<<
出来心: dekigokoro: sudden impulse <<<
出来高: dekidaka: yield, out put, production, total transaction <<<
不出来: hudeki: bad result, failure <<<
上出来: joudeki: good success <<<
related words: 結果

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