Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
Direct access: 改札 , 快速 , 貨車 , 汽車 , 北口 , 汽笛 , 軌道 , 客車 , 急行 , 狭軌


pronunciation: kaisatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: ticket inspection, ticket barrier
改札する: kaisatsusuru: examine [inspect, punch] tickets
改札係: kaisetsugakari: ticket examiner [controller] <<<
改札口: kaisatsuguchi: (platform) wicket, ticket barrier <<<


pronunciation: kaisoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: high speed
快速の: kaisokuno: high-speed, speedy
快速で: kaisokude: at a high speed, by fast train
快速を出す: kaisokuodasu: put on a high speed <<<
快速船: kaisokusen: fast boat <<<
快速列車: kaisokuressha: fast train <<< 列車
related words: 高速 , 急行


pronunciation: kasha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: freight car, goods wagon [van]
貨車渡し: kashawatashi: free on board (fob.), free on rail (for.) <<<
related words: 客車


pronunciation: kisha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: train
汽車で: kishade: by train
汽車で行く: kishadeiku: go by train <<<
汽車に乗る: kishaninoru: take a train <<<
汽車を降りる: kishaooriru: leave [get off] a train <<<
汽車の旅: kishanotabi: train travel <<<
汽車旅行: kisharyokou <<< 旅行
汽車賃: kishachin: railway fare <<<
汽車弁: kishaben: railway lunch <<<
夜汽車: yogisha: night train <<<
related words: 電車 , 列車


pronunciation: kitaguchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: north exit
related words: 南口


pronunciation: kiteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train , ship
translation: steam whistle, siren, hooter
汽笛を鳴らす: kitekionarasu: whistle (v.), give [blow, sound] a steam whistle <<<
synonyms: 警笛 , サイレン


pronunciation: kidou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: astronomy , train
translation: orbit, track, path
軌道の: kidouno: orbital
軌道に乗る: kidouninoru: get on the right track, maker steady headway, arrive to the right orbit <<<
軌道に乗せる: kidouninoseru: set in the right direction, put [launch] into orbit, orbit (v.)
軌道を逸する: kidouoissuru: get away from the right orbit [track] <<<
軌道を外れる: kidouohazureru <<<
軌道を敷く: kidouoshiku: lay tracks, build railroads <<<
軌道面: kidoumen: plane of the orbit <<<
軌道修正: kidoushuusei: course correction <<< 修正
軌道飛行: kidouhikou: orbital flight <<< 飛行
related words: 線路


pronunciation: kyakusha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: passenger car [carriage], railroad car, coach, railway carriage
related words: 貨車


pronunciation: kyuukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: express (train)
急行する: kyuukousuru: hasten
急行させる: kyuukousaseru: send at once
急行券: kyuukouken: express ticket <<<
急行便: kyuukoubin: express freight <<< 便
急行料: kyuukouryou: express charges <<<
急行料金: kyuukouryoukin <<< 料金
急行列車: kyuukouressha: express train <<< 列車
急行バス: kyuukoubasu: express bus
related words: 快速 , 特急


pronunciation: kyouki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: narrow gauge
狭軌鉄道: kyoukitetsudou: narrow-gauge railroad <<< 鉄道
antonyms: 広軌

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