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Direct access: ビンテージ , プラン , マンスリー , メーデー , , , , , ,


pronunciation: binteeji
other spells: ヴィンテージ
etymology: vintage (eg.)
keyword: calendar
translation: vintage
ビンテージ・イヤー: binteejiiyaa: vintage year
ビンテージ・ワイン: binteejiwain: vintage wine <<< ワイン


pronunciation: puran
etymology: plan (eg.)
keyword: calendar
translation: plan (n.), project
プラン通りの: purandoorino: as planned, on schedule, according to plan <<<
プラン通りに: burandoorini
プランを立てる: burannotateru: plan (v.), project <<<
related words: , 計画 , 予定 , スケジュール


pronunciation: mansurii
etymology: monthly (eg.)
keyword: calendar
translation: monthly (magazine)
マンスリー・マガジン: mansuriimagajin: monthly magazine
related words: 月刊 , 月間


pronunciation: meedee
etymology: May Day (eg.)
keyword: calendar
translation: May Day

category: to learn in school
keyword: astronomy , calendar
Number of strokes: 4
translation: moon, month
getsu, gatsu
月: tsuki
月が出る: tsukigaderu: The moon is up <<<
月が沈む: tsukigashizumu: The moon is sitting <<<
月が満ちる: tsukigamichiru: The moon waxes <<<
月が欠ける: tsukigakakeru: The moon wanes <<<
月の光: tsukinohikari: moonlight <<<
月の明り: tsukinoakari <<<
月の明りで: tsukinoakaride: by the moonlight <<<
月の石: tsukinoishi: lunar rock <<<
月の入り: tsukinoiri: moonset <<<
月の出: tsukinode: moonrise, rising of the moon <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: astronomy , calendar
Number of strokes: 4
translation: day, sun
nichi, jitsu
日: hi: day, sun, emperor (jp.)
日: hibi: every day
日: ka: unit to count days (jp.)
日が出る: higaderu: The sun rises [goes up] <<< , 日出
日が入る: higahairu: The sun sets [goes down] <<< , 日入
日の当る: hinoataru: sunny, sunshiny <<<
日に当る: hiniataru: bask [bathe] in the sun <<<
日に焼ける: hiniyakeru: be sunburnt <<<
日に干す: hinihosu: dry (a thing) in the sun <<<
日に曝す: hinisarasu: expose (a thing) to the sun <<<
日が経つ: higatatsu: days go by <<<
日が暮れる: higakureru: Night falls, It gets dark <<<
日を送る: hiookuru: pass one's days [time] <<<
日に日に: hinihini: day by [after] day, every day, rapidly, with rapid strides
synonyms: 太陽
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: calendar
Number of strokes: 5
translation: winter
冬: huyu: winter (n.)
冬に: huyuni: in winter
冬の: huyuno: winter (a.), wintry
冬らしい: huyurashii: wintry
冬めく: huyumeku: become wintry
冬を過す: huyuosugosu: winter (v.), pass the winter <<<
synonyms: ウインター
related words: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: time , calendar
Number of strokes: 5
translation: not yet, still, year of the sheep (Chinese Zodiac), 2h pm
mi, bi
未だ: imada: not yet
未だ: mada: (not) yet, still, as yet, so far, more, besides
未だ来ない: madakonai: not yet come <<<
未だ寝てる: madaneteru: still sleeping <<<
未だ足りない: madatarinai: not enough yet <<<
未だしも: madashimo: (a little) better, rather
未: hitsuji: sheep (zod.) <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: calendar , time
Number of strokes: 6
translation: year, age, time
年: toshi: year, age
年が明ける: toshigaakeru: The year begins [opens] <<<
年を迎える: toshiomukaeru: welcome [hail] the New Year <<<
年が経つ: toshigatatsu: Years pass [go by, elapse, roll on] <<<
年を送る: toshiookuru: see the old year out <<<
年を取る: toshiotoru: grow old [older], advance in years, age (v.) <<<
年を隠す: toshiokakusu: do not tell one's real age, conceal one's age <<<
年の順に: toshinojunnni: according to age [years, seniority] <<<
年の割に: toshinowarini: for [considering] one's age <<<
年の初めに: toshinohajimeni: at the beginning of the year <<<
年の瀬: toshinose: last days of the year <<<
年の暮: toshinokure <<<
年の内に: toshinouchini: before the end of the year, within the year <<<
年と共に: toshitotomoni: with age [years] <<<
年には勝てない: toshinihakatenai: Age tells <<<
年には勝てぬ: toshinihakatenu <<<
年: yowai: age (anc.) <<<
年: toki: epoch, time <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: calendar
Number of strokes: 7
translation: autumn, fall
秋: aki: autumn (n.), fall
秋に: akini: in autumn
秋の: akino: autumn (a.), fall, autumnal
秋らしい: akirashii
related words: ,

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