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Direct access: 陰鬱 , 乖離 , 強迫 , 幻想 , 興奮 , 心理 , 精神 , 赤面 , 超越 , 直感


pronunciation: innutsu
keyword: psychology
translation: gloom, somberness
陰鬱な: innutsuna: gloomy, somber
synonyms: 陰気


pronunciation: kairi
keyword: psychology
translation: estrangement, alienation
乖離する: kairisuru: alienate


pronunciation: kyouhaku
keyword: psychology
translation: compulsion, coercion
強迫する: kyouhakusuru: compel, coerce
強迫概念: kyouhakugainen: obsession, (persecution) complex <<< 概念
強迫概念に襲われる: kyouhakugainennniosowareru: be obsessed (by, with), suffer from an obsession <<<
強迫概念に取り付かれる: kyouhakugainennnitoritsukareru


pronunciation: gensou
keyword: psychology
translation: fantasy, vision, illusion
幻想に耽る: gensounihukeru: cherish an illusion <<<
幻想的: gensouteki: fantastic, visionary, illusory <<<
幻想曲: gensoukyoku: fantasia, fantasy <<<
related words: 空想


pronunciation: kouhun
keyword: psychology
translation: excitement, excitation, agitation
興奮して: kouhunshite: nervously, agitatedly, excitedly
興奮する: kouhunsuru: be excited [stimulated], become hot [warm]
興奮させる: kouhunsaseru: excite, stimulate
興奮し易い: kouhunshiyasui: excitable, easily excited, passionate, nervous <<<
興奮を静める: kouhunnojizumeru: calm down one's excitement <<<
興奮が静まる: kouhungashizumaru: calm [quiet] down, calm oneself
興奮剤: kouhunzai: stimulant, pep pill <<<
興奮状態: kouhunjoutai: excited state <<< 状態
synonyms: エクスタシー


pronunciation: shinri
keyword: psychology
translation: psychology, mentality
心理的: shinriteki: psychological <<<
心理学: shinrigaku: psychology <<<
超心理学: choushinrigaku: parapsychology <<<
心理士: shinrishi: psychologist <<<
心理学者: shinrigakusha <<< 学者
心理作用: shinrisayou: mental process <<< 作用
心理主義: shinrishugi: psychologism <<< 主義
心理小説: shinrishousetsu: psychological novel <<< 小説
心理戦争: shinrisensou: psychological warfare <<< 戦争
心理描写: shinribyousha: psychological description <<< 描写
心理分析: shinribunseki: psychoanalysis <<< 分析
心理療法: shinriryouhou: psychotherapy <<< 療法
心理テスト: shinritesuto: psychological test
synonyms: 精神
related words: 心霊


pronunciation: seishin
keyword: psychology
translation: mind, spirit, soul
精神の: seishinnno: psychic, mental, spiritual, moral
精神的に: seishintekini: spiritually, mentally <<<
精神科: seishinka: psychiatry <<<
精神力: seishinryoku: mental power <<<
精神病: seishinbyou: mental illness <<<
精神病院: seishinbyouin: psychiatric hospital <<< 病院
精神分析: seishinbunseki: psychoanalysis <<< 分析
精神分析家: seishinbunsekika: psychoanalyst <<<
精神錯乱: seishinsakuran: distraction, insanity <<< 錯乱
精神分裂: seishinbunretsu: split personality, schizophrenia <<< 分裂
精神異常: seishinnijou: lunacy <<< 異常
精神鑑定: seishinkantei: psychiatric test [examination] <<< 鑑定
精神療法: seishinryouhou: mind cure, psychotherapy <<< 療法
精神主義: seishinshugi: spiritualism <<< 主義
精神生活: seishinseikatsu: spirituel [inner] life <<< 生活
related words: 心霊 , 心理 , マインド


pronunciation: sekimen
keyword: psychology
translation: blush, red face
赤面する: sekimensuru: blush [turn red] (with shame), be [feel] ashamed [abashed]
赤面させる: sekimensaseru: put (a person) to shame
赤面恐怖症: sekimenkyouhushou: erythrophobia
related words:


pronunciation: chouetsu
keyword: mathematics , psychology
translation: transcendence, transcendency
超越する: chouetsusuru: transcend, stand [rise] above, stand [keep] aloof from
超越的: chouetsuteki: transcendental <<<
超越数: chouetsusuu: transcendental number <<<
超越関数: chouetsukansuu: transcendental function <<< 関数


pronunciation: chokkan
keyword: psychology
translation: intuition
直感的: chokkanteki: intuitive <<<
直感的に: chokkantekini: intuitively, by intuition
直感する: chokkansuru: know (a matter) intuitively [by intuition]
直感に頼る: chokkannnitayoru: rely on one's intuition <<<

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