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category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 15
translation: guide, lead, conduct
導く: michibiku: lead, guide, show the way, conduct
導き: michibiki: guidance, orientation

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 17
translation: read, understand
講: kou: religious association (jp.), mutual aid [benefit] association <<< 共済
講む: yomu: read, understand <<<

category: JIS2, only in Japanese
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 16
translation: breeding, training, discipline, education
躾: shitsuke
躾の良い: shitsukenoii, shitsukenoyoi: well-bred, well-mannered <<<
躾の悪い: shitsukenowarui: ill-bred, ill-mannered <<<
related words: 調教


pronunciation: anki
keyword: education
translation: learning by heart, memorization
暗記する: ankisuru: commit (a matter) to memory, learn [get] (a matter) by heart, memorize
暗記している: ankishiteiru: know (a matter) by heart
暗記力: ankiryoku: memory <<<
丸暗記: maruanki: rote memorization <<<
丸暗記する: maruankisuru: memorize word for word, learn by rote
related words: 記憶


pronunciation: igaku
keyword: medicine , education
translation: medicine, medical study
医学の: igakuno: medical
医学的: igakuteki <<<
医学書: igakusho: medical book <<<
医学校: igakkou: medical school <<<
医学部: igakubu: medical department <<<
医学生: igakusei: medical student, intern <<<
医学界: igakukai: medical world [circles] <<<
医学博士: igakuhakushi: Doctor of Medicine <<< 博士
獣医学: juuigaku: veterinary science <<<
法医学: houigaku: medical jurisprudence, forensic [legal] medicine <<<


pronunciation: eigo
keyword: education , grammar
translation: English (language)
英語を話す: eigoohanasu: speak English <<<
英語で話す: eigodehanasu: speak in English
英語話せますか: eigohanasemasuka: Can you speak English?
英語解りますか: eigowakarimasuka: Do you understand English? <<<
英語で書く: eigodekaku: write in English <<<
英語に訳す: eigoniyakusu: translate to English <<<
英語が巧い: eigogaumai: be good at English, be proficient in English <<<
英語が出来る: eigogadekiru <<< 出来
英語学: eigogaku: Anglistics, study of English, English linguistics <<<
英語学者: eigogakusha: Anglicist, English scholar, specialist of English <<< 学者
英語の先生: eigonosensei: teacher of English, English teacher <<< 先生
英語の教師: eigonokyoushi <<< 教師
英語国民: eigokokumin: Anglo-Saxon, English-speaking people <<< 国民


pronunciation: enshuu
keyword: war , education
translation: exercise, practice, drill, seminar, sham fight [battle], maneuvers
演習場: enshuujou: exercise area <<<
synonyms: 練習


pronunciation: kaitou
keyword: education
translation: answer (n.), response, solution
解答する: kaitousuru: answer (v.), respond, solve
解答者: kaitousha: solver <<<
解答集: kaitoushuu: answers <<<
related words: 回答 , 正解


pronunciation: kadai
keyword: education
translation: subject, theme, exercise, homework, task
課題を課する: kadaiokasuru: impose a task on (a person) <<<
related words: 科目 , テーマ


pronunciation: gakushuu
keyword: education
translation: study (n.), learning
学習する: gakushuusuru: study (v.), learn
学習者: gakushuusha: learner, student <<< , 学生
学習塾: gakushuujuku: cram school <<<
学習書: gakushuusho: handbook for students <<<
学習参考書: gakushuusankousho
学習過程: gakushuukatei: curriculum <<< 過程
学習指導: gakushuushidou: study guidance <<< 指導
学習指導要領: gakushuushidouyouryou: course of study <<< 要領

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