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Direct access: , , 一杯 , 飲酒 , 飲食 , 飲料 , 御茶 , 喫茶 , 牛乳 , 紅茶

category: common usage
keyword: drink
Number of strokes: 20
translation: brew, distill
醸す: kamosu: brew, distill, cause, give rise to, bring about, breed
醸し出す: kamoshidasu <<<

category: JIS2
keyword: drink
Number of strokes: 10
translation: (coarse) tea
mei, myou
茗: cha
related words: 番茶


pronunciation: ippai
other spells: 1杯
keyword: drink , unit
translation: a cup, a glass, a drink, (the) whole, full, all
一杯やる: ippaiyaru: have a drink, have a shot
一杯の: ippaino: a cup of, a glass of, full of
一杯にする: ippainisuru: fill up
一杯に成る: ippaininaru: be filled up <<<
一杯飲ませる: ippainomaseru: give (a person) a drink <<<
一杯飲む: ippainomu: have a sip (of st.)
一杯食わせる: ippaikuwaseru: play a trick (on a person), take (a person) in <<<
一杯食わす: ippaikuwasu
一杯食う: ippaikuu: be taken in
一杯機嫌: ippaikigen: tipsy <<< 機嫌
一杯飲屋: ippainomiya: cheap bar
籠一杯: kagoippai: a basketful <<<
力一杯: chikaraippai: with all one's strength <<<
精一杯: seiippai <<<
もう一杯: mouippai: one more cup [glass, drink], already full, be full, have sufficient


pronunciation: inshu
keyword: drink , car
translation: drinking (alcohol)
飲酒する: inshusuru: drink (alcohol)
飲酒癖: inshuguse: drinking habit <<<
飲酒家: inshuka: heavy drinker <<<
飲酒運転: inshuunten: drunk-driving <<< 運転
飲酒検査: inshukensa: breathalyzer test, breath test <<< 検査
飲酒テスト: inshutesuto


pronunciation: inshoku
keyword: food , drink
translation: eating and drinking, meals and drinks, refreshing
飲食する: inshokusuru: eat and drink, refresh oneself
飲食店: inshokuten: restaurant <<<
飲食物: inshokubutsu: food and drink <<<
飲食代: inshokudai: cost of meals and drinks <<<
飲食税: inshokuzei: tax on eating and drinking (suppressed in 2000 in Japan) <<<


pronunciation: inryou
keyword: drink
translation: drink
飲料に適した: inryounitekishita: drinkable <<<
飲料水: inryousui: drinking water <<<


pronunciation: ocha
other spells: お茶
keyword: drink
translation: tea
御茶にする: ochanisuru: have a coffee break, pooh-pooh
御茶下さい: ochakudasai: Tea please! <<<
御茶を出す: ochaodasu: serve tea <<<
御茶の子: ochanoko: child's play, easy task, cinch <<<
御茶の子さいさい: ochanokosaisai
御茶を濁す: ochaonigosu: make shift (with), temporize <<<
御茶の間: ochanoma: living room <<<
御茶の水: ochanomizu: tea water, Ochanomizu (a neighborhood in Tokyo) <<< , 東京
御茶ノ水駅: ochanomizueki: Ochanomizu station (in Tokyo)
synonyms: ティー


pronunciation: kissa
keyword: drink
translation: tea drinking
喫茶店: kissaten: cafe, tearoom, coffee shop, coffee house <<< , カフェ
喫茶室: kissashitsu <<<


pronunciation: gyuunyuu
keyword: drink
translation: (cow) milk
牛乳の: gyuunyuuno: dairy
牛乳を搾る: gyuunyuuoshiboru: milk a cow <<<
牛乳屋: gyuunyuuya: milkman, dairyman, milk-shop <<<
牛乳瓶: gyuunyuubin: milk bottle <<<
牛乳配達: gyuunyuuhaitatsu: milk run <<< 配達
牛乳配達人: gyuuhaitatsunin: milkman <<<
牛乳配達車: gyuunyuuhaitatsusha: milk wagon <<<
牛乳パック: gyuunyuupakku: milk carton
生牛乳: namagyuunyuu: raw milk <<<
related words: ミルク


pronunciation: koucha
keyword: drink
translation: black tea
related words: 緑茶

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