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Direct access: 幼稚 , 予習 , 落第 , 留学 , 零点


pronunciation: youchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: infancy
幼稚な: youchina: infant
幼稚園: youchien: preschool, infant school <<<


pronunciation: yoshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: preparation, prep (n.)
予習する: yoshuusuru: prep (v.)
学課を予習する: gakkaoyoshuusuru: prepare one's lessons <<< 学課
related words: 復習


pronunciation: rakudai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: failure in an examination
落第する: rakudaisuru: fail (in an examination), flunk (an exam), be [get] plucked, be rejected
落第生: rakudaisei: a failure, repeater, plucked student <<<
落第点: rakudaiten: failing mark, failure mark <<<
落第品: rakudaihin: rejections, substandard goods, junk <<<
related words: 合格


pronunciation: ryuugaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: abroad study
留学する: ryuugakusuru: study abroad, go abroad for study
留学生: ryuugakusei: student from (in) a foreign country, foreign student <<<


pronunciation: reiten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: zero (point), no marks
零点を取る: reitennotoru: get zero <<<

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