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category: common usage
keyword: business
Number of strokes: 17
translation: buy, purchase
購う: aganau
Kanji words: 購買 , 購入 , 購読
Expressions: 罪を購う
related words:

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 18
translation: present, gift, bestow, confer, award
贈る: okuru: present (v.), gift, bestow, confer, award
贈: okurimono: present (n.), gift <<< 贈物
Kanji words: 贈賄 , 贈物 , 贈呈

category: JIS1
keyword: advertisement
Number of strokes: 12
translation: stick, put, paste, affix
貼ける: tsukeru: stick, put, paste, affix <<<
貼る: haru: stick, paste, apply (a plaster to a wound), paper (v.) <<<
Expressions: 糊で貼る , 台紙に貼る , 切手を貼る , 印紙を貼る , 壁紙を貼る , ラベルを貼る , ビラを貼る , ビラ貼り
related words: ペースト

category: JIS1
keyword: town
Number of strokes: 14
translation: flourish, prosperous, prosperity, bustle, crowd
賑わう: nigiwau: flourish, be prosperous, be crowded [thronged] (with people), be bustling, be in a great bustle
賑わす: nigiwasu: enliven, make prosperous
賑わい: nigiwai: prosperity, bustle, crowd
賑やかな: nigiyakana: lively (jp.), gay, cheerful, animated, noisy, crowded, prosperous, flourishing
賑やかな通り: nigiyakanatoori: bustling street <<<
賑やかな笑い声: nigiyakanawaraigoe: merry laughter
賑やかに: nigiyakani: in a lively way, gaily
賑む: tomu: flourish, be prosperous <<<
賑: tomi, tomo: pers.

category: JIS1
keyword: game
Number of strokes: 16
translation: bet, stake, risk, gamble
賭け: kake: gambling, betting
賭る: kakeru: bet (n.), stake, risk, gamble
賭けをする: kakeosuru: gamble, bet, make a bet
賭けに勝つ: kakenikatsu: win a wager <<<
賭けに負ける: kakenimakeru: lose a wager <<<
賭けに凝る: kakenikoru: indulge in betting and gambling <<<
Kanji words: 賭金 , 賭博 , 賭場
Expressions: 賞金を賭ける , 生命を賭けて , パスカルの賭け
synonyms: 博打

category: JIS2
Number of strokes: 12
translation: drop, fall, collapse, retreat, recede, withdraw, retire, leave, quit
貶とす: otosu: drop (vt.), let fall, collapse <<<
貶める: otoshimeru: show contempt for; look down upon; have a low opinion of
貶ける: shirizokeru: retreat, recede, withdraw, retire, leave, quit <<< 退
貶なす: kenasu: speak ill [slightingly] of, abuse, despise, slander, cry [run] down, belittle, criticize, denigrate, vilify, slur, disparage
Expressions: 名誉を貶める

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