Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'death'

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Direct access: 死亡 , 他界 , 物故 , 永眠 , 往生 , 終焉 , 絶命 , 死地 , 生死 , 戦死


pronunciation: shibou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: death   
translation: death
死亡する: shibousuru: die, decease
死亡者: shibousha: dead (person) <<<
死亡者名簿: shiboushameibo: obituary column, death list
死亡率: shibouritsu: death rate <<<
死亡数: shibousuu: death toll, number of deaths, fatalities <<<
死亡届: shiboutodoke: death notice [report], notice of death <<<
死亡欄: shibouran: obituary notice <<<
死亡記事: shiboukiji <<< 記事
死亡広告: shiboukoukoku: announcement of death <<< 広告
死亡通知: shiboutsuuchi <<< 通知
死亡統計: shiboutoukei: statistics of mortality <<< 統計
死亡証明: shiboushoumei: death certificate <<< 証明
死亡診断書: shiboushindansho
synonyms: 物故


pronunciation: takai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: death   
translation: another world, death, demise
他界する: takaisuru: die, pass away


pronunciation: bukko   kanji characters: ,    keyword: death   
translation: death
物故する: bukkosuru: die (v.), pass away
物故者: bukkosha: dead (person) <<<
物故者名簿: bukkoshameibo: death list
synonyms: 死亡


pronunciation: eimin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: death, eternal sleep
永眠する: eiminsuru: die, pass away, breathe one's last
check also:


pronunciation: oujou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: death
往生する: oujousuru: die, pass away, breathe one's last, be at a loss
往生際: oujougiwa: deathbed, one's last moment <<<
往生際が悪い: oujougiwagawarui: do not readily resign oneself to fate, be a bad loser <<<
大往生: daioujou: natural [peaceful] death (in old age) <<<
大往生を遂げる: daioujouotogeru: die in peace <<<
立ち往生する: tachioujousuru: come [be brought] to a standstill [deadlock], be stalled, be stuck (in a place), be at one's wit's end, be in a fix <<<
check also:


pronunciation: shuuen   kanji characters:    keyword: life   
translation: death
終焉の地: shuuennnochi: place of a person's death <<<
終焉の際に: shuuennnokiwani: at death <<<
check also:


pronunciation: zetsumei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: death
絶命する: zetsumeisuru: die, expire, breathe one's last
check also: , 絶滅


pronunciation: shichi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: death   
translation: jaws of death
死地に赴く: shichiniomomuku: go into the jaws of death <<<
死地に乗り込む: shichininorikomu
死地を脱する: chichiodassuru: escape the jaws of death <<<


pronunciation: seishi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: life and [or] death, safety
生死の境を彷徨う: seishinosakaiosamayou: hover between life and death
生死の境に居る: seishinosakainiiru
生死不明: seishihumei: be missing <<< 不明
生死の問題: seishinomondai: matter of life or death <<< 問題


pronunciation: senshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , death   
translation: death in the war [battle]
戦死する: senshisuru: be killed in action [war], fall fighting [in battle]
戦死者: senshisha: person killed in action, war dead <<<
戦死者遺族: senshishaizoku: war bereaved family <<< 遺族
戦死者名簿: senshishameibo: roll of honor
synonyms: 戦没

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