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Direct access: 右 , 宇 , 羽 , 有 , 雨 , 優 , 芋 , 卯 , 胡 , 烏 右category: to learn in school radicals: keyword: position nb of strokes: 5translation: help, right (bor.) u, yuu 右ける: tasukeru: help (v.) <<< 助 右: migi: right (n.) 右の: migino: right (a.), rightist, conservative 右の手: miginote: one's right hand <<< 手 右に: migini: to the right 右に曲がる: miginimagaru: turn to the right <<< 曲 右を向く: migiomuku <<< 向 右に傾く: miginikatamuku: turn to the right, become [turn] rightist <<< 傾 右に出る: miginideru: surpass [excel, outdo] others (in) <<< 出 右に倣え: migininarae: Right dress <<< 倣 antonyms: 左 宇category: to learn in school radicals: keyword: house nb of strokes: 6translation: house, canopy, heaven (ext.) u 宇: ie: house <<< 家 宇: noki: eaves <<< 軒 宇: sora: heaven <<< 空 羽category: to learn in school radicals: keyword: bird nb of strokes: 6translation: feather, plume, plumage, wing u 羽: hane 羽が生える: hanegahaeru: fledge <<< 生 羽が有る: hanegaaru: feathered, winged <<< 有 羽を広げる: haneohirogeru: spread the wings <<< 広 check also: 翼 有category: to learn in school radicals: nb of strokes: 6translation: be, exist, live, lie, stand, have, possess yuu, u 有る: aru: there is [are], be, exist, live, be situated [located], lie, stand, be found, have, possess, have (pp.), happen, occur, break out, take place, be held 有ります: arimasu: we [I] have it 有りません: arimasen: we [I] don't have it 有らゆる: arayuru: all, every possible [available], all sorts [kinds] of 有りの儘の: arinomamano: naked, bare, plain <<< 儘 有りの儘に: arinomamani: just as it is, plainly, frankly, honestly, without exaggeration <<< 儘 有り難い: arigatai: kind, gracious, welcome, blessed, be thankful [grateful], appreciate, thank you <<< 難 , 有難う 有り難く: arigataku: thankfully, gratefully, with thanks <<< 難 有り難がる: arigatagaru: be thankful [grateful] (to a person for), appreciate, value <<< 難 有り勝ちな: arigachina: common, usual, incidental (to) <<< 勝 有り触れた: arihureta: common, ordinary, commonplace, trite <<< 触 有りそうな: arisouna: likely (to be, to exist), probable, possible 有りそうも無い: arisoumonai: unlikely, improbable, impossible <<< 無 有り得る: ariuru: likely, probable, possible <<< 得 有つ: motsu: have, possess <<< 持 antonyms: 無 check also: 或
雨category: to learn in school radicals: keyword: weather nb of strokes: 8translation: rain, rainfall, shower u 雨: ame: rain 雨の中を: amenonakao: in the rain <<< 中 雨が降る: amegahuru: It rains <<< 降 雨に成る: ameninaru: It begins to rain <<< 成 雨に成りそうだ: ameninarisouda: It looks like rain <<< 成 雨が降りそうだ: amegahurisouda <<< 降 雨が止む: amegayamu: It stops raining <<< 止 雨に遭う: ameniau: be caught in a rain <<< 遭 雨に濡れる: ameninureru: get wet in the rain <<< 濡 雨が漏る: amegamoru: water leaks through roof <<< 漏 雨の多い: amenoooi: wet, rainy <<< 多 優category: to learn in school radicals: nb of strokes: 17translation: superior, excel, higher, gentle, tender, kind, kindhearted yuu, u 優か: yutaka: abundance, plenty, prosperity <<< 豊 優しい: yasashii: gentle, tender, kind, kindhearted 優しく: yasashiku: gently, tenderly, kindly 優しくする: yasashikusuru: be kind [good, nice] (to a person) 優しさ: yasashisa: gentleness, tenderness, kindness 優れる: sugureru: be superior, surpass, excel <<< 勝 優る: masaru 優: wazaogi: artist (anc.) 芋category: common usage radicals: keyword: vegetable nb of strokes: 6translation: taro, potato u 芋: imo 卯category: JIS1 radicals: keyword: time , calendar nb of strokes: 5translation: rabbit, six o'clock AM bou 卯: u: six o'clock AM (anc.) 卯: usagi: rabbit (in Chinese or Japanese zodiac) <<< 兎 胡category: JIS1 radicals: nb of strokes: 9translation: jaw of an animal (orig.), northern barbarian (bor.), all the more so, what ko, go, u 胡: nanzo: all the more so <<< 何 胡: ebisu: northern barbarian 烏category: JIS1 radicals: keyword: bird nb of strokes: 10translation: crow, raven, black, why, ah, sun (according to a Chinese legend, a crow with 3 legs may be living there) u, o 烏: karasu: crow, raven 烏が鳴く: karasuganaku: A crow caws <<< 鳴
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