Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of '近くに住む'

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radicals  keywords

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 7
translation: near, close, immediate, proximate, kin, familiar, approach
kin, kon, gon
近い: chikai: near, close, immediate, kin
近い内に: chikaiuchini: before long, shortly, one of these days, in the near [immediate] future <<<
近く: chikaku: closely, nearby, close by, soon, shortly
近付く: chikaZuku: come [draw, get] near, approach <<<
近寄る: chikayoru <<<
近付ける: chikaZukeru: allow (a person) to approach [come near], bring (a thing) close (to) <<<
近寄せる: chikayoseru <<<
近くの家: chikakunoie: nearby [neighboring] home <<<
近くに: chikakuni: near, close to, in the neighborhood
近くに住む: chikakunisumu: live close by [within a short distance] <<<
近くで見る: chikakudemiru: see close at hand <<<
Kanji words: 最近 , 近日 , 近衛 , 近江 , 接近 , 側近 , 近代 , 近東 , 真近 , 近親 , 身近 , 付近 , 近年 , 近況 , 近郊 , 近辺 , 近視 , 近所 , 近海 , 親近 , 近隣 , 近頃
Expressions: 臨月に近い , 近い将来に , 竣工が近い , 近距離 , 小便が近い , 近い親類 , 直ぐ近くの , 終りに近づく , 暁近く , 縁が近い

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