Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of '言葉を遮る'

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pronunciation: kotoba   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: word, term, speech, language, wording, expression, diction, remark
言葉を交わす: kotobaokawasu: exchange words with, speak with <<<
言葉を返す: kotobaokaesu: answer, talk back <<<
言葉を飾る: kotobaokazaru: adorn one's speech <<<
言葉を濁す: kotobaonigosu: give a vague answer <<<
言葉を遮る: kotobaosaegiru: interrupt sb. <<<
言葉を信じる: kotobaoshinjiru: take sb.'s word for it, take sb. at his word <<<
言葉の多い: kotobanoooi: talkative, loquacious <<< , 御喋り
言葉の少ない: kotobanosukunai: taciturn, quiet, (man) of few words <<<
言葉静かに: kotobashizukani: in a calm tone <<<
言葉巧みに: kotobatakumini: with sweet words <<<
言葉汚く: kotobakitanaku: in revolting language <<<
合言葉: aikotoba: password, parole <<< , 暗号
話言葉: hanashikotoba: spoken language <<<
書言葉: kakikotoba: written language <<<
花言葉: hanakotoba: flower language <<<
言葉遣い: kotabaZukai: wording, diction, expression, language <<<
最期の言葉: saigonokotoba: one's last [dying] words <<< 最期
感謝の言葉: kanshanokotoba: thankyou, thank-you note <<< 感謝
早口言葉: hayakuchikotoba: tongue twister <<< 早口
率直な言葉: sotchokunakotoba: outspokenness <<< 率直
田舎言葉: inakakotoba: provincial dialect, provincialism <<< 田舎
check also: 文句 , 言語

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