Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of '書類箱'

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pronunciation: shorui   kanji characters: ,    keyword: office   
translation: documents, papers, file
書類挟み: shoruibasami: file grip, folder, portfolio <<<
書類鞄: shoruikaban: brief case, attaché case <<<
書類入れ: shoruiire <<<
書類箱: shoruibako: filing cabinet [box] <<<
書類戸棚: shoruitodana: file cabinet <<< 戸棚
書類選考: shoruisenkou: selection of a candidate through résumé
書類選考する: shoruisenkousuru: examine the personal histories of candidates [applicants]
書類送検: shoruisouken: sending a police report to the prosecutor
書類送検する: shoruisoukensuru: send a police report to the prosecutor
極秘書類: gokuhishorui: confidential documents <<< 極秘
添付書類: tenpushorui: attached [accompanying] documents [papers] <<< 添付
秘密書類: himitsushorui: confidential document <<< 秘密
関係書類: kankeishorui: related papers <<< 関係
機密書類: kimitsushorui: secret document <<< 機密
重要書類: juuyoushorui: important documents [papers] <<< 重要
証拠書類: shoukoshorui: documentary evidence <<< 証拠
synonyms: 文書

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